Topic: research

Concordia undergrads build their own ultrasonic fatigue testing machine
February 27, 2020

Reflections from Concordia Library’s first researcher-in-residence
February 26, 2020

New study shows the effects of obesity mirror those of aging
February 25, 2020

Introducing Concordia’s new Science Hub
February 25, 2020

Make your graduate research stand out
February 18, 2020

SHIFT! $10 million for social innovation
February 18, 2020

Concordia graduate gives the smart grid a security checkup
February 17, 2020

Space Concordia reaches out to high school students
February 13, 2020

The Black Perspectives Initiative launches at Concordia
February 10, 2020

IN THE CONVERSATION: Politics, business and the life story of Jesus
February 6, 2020

Got a great idea for a social or environmental research initiative?
February 5, 2020

Get free, personalized coaching for your 3MT research pitch
February 4, 2020