Topic: research

Grad students — make your research stand out

Using nanoparticle research to improve current MRI techniques

Grad student automates gene editing to detect indications of cancer

Researchers discover ability to improve resistance to temptation

Researcher investigates the causes of cardiovascular disease

Grad students — make your research stand out

Meet Milieux’s 11 new undergraduate fellows

PhD student has a plan to fix Montreal's potholes

How to mend a broken heart

Building a community of AI researchers, one keystroke at a time

What does the future hold for indigenous communities?

Using nanoparticle research to improve current MRI techniques

Thinking Out Loud: 5 hot listens for cold nights

$4.5 million to advance Concordia’s research infrastructure

Towards a more accessible library

PhD student is streamlining your Amazon delivery

Restoring history one crease at a time