TOOLS4CITIES is a suite of complimentary digital tools being developed to address urgent and difficult problems in the pursuit of sustainable cities around the world. From buildings to transportation, from citizens to local government, each tool is tailored towards a particular stakeholder, whilst all leveraging a common data model of the entire city.

Our vision
“To put the power of science into the hands of those making our cities more sustainable and resilient.”
The tools

View urban datasets from multiple domains, such as buildings, transport, greenery and power, directly from your browser. Run energy and emissions simulations with a single click to understand implications of different future scenarios. A tool primarily for policy makers and decision takers at a city scale.

A gamified neighbourhood simulator that lets citizens explore, change and give feedback on how they would like to see their city grow. A citizen engagement tool providing a digital bridge between the public and the decision makers.

An easy-to-use tool for building owners to quickly discover the best retrofitting strategies for their buildings. Compare energy, cost and emissions of different solutions, without needing to be an expert in these fields. Empowers everyone to confidently take their next steps towards sustainable energy efficiency.
An open source framework for representing digital twins of cities and making fast complex simulations concerning energy and emissions. Provides these capabilities to all the TOOLS4CITIES via a restful Web API. Also supports persistent storage of simulations and their results, enabling city-wide scenarios to be pre-calculated and accessed instantly as needed.
Our leadership team
The leadership team for TOOLS4CITIES includes:
Supervising professor:
CITYlayers lead:
CITYplayer lead:
Core software team:
Our partners
TOOLS4CITIES is collaborating with the following partners: