Socio-cultural studies of gambling are the very small tip of an enormous iceberg of gambling research, the remainder of which is dedicated to identifying, diagnosing, counting and treating problem gamblers. This conference will shows how conversations about gambling in everyday life can form an evidence base from which to open new academic conversations about gambling’s provision, consumption and regulation. Dr. Nicoll present highlights from her interviews and focus groups with people who gamble (or refuse to gamble), at work and during leisure on different products, in different spaces and at different moments and reflect on some of the most surprising findings of my study. Concluding remarks outline the book’s contribution to theory and methods within the emerging field of critical gambling studies.
Conference series on gambling
Gambling in everyday life: Opening new conversations

Professor Fiona Nicoll is the author of Gambling in Everyday Life: Spaces, Moments and Products of Enjoyment and based in the Political Science department at the University of Alberta where she holds an Alberta Gambling Research Institute chair in gambling policy. She is a co-editor of Critical Gambling Studies and the author of numerous book chapters and articles on reconciliation and Indigenous sovereignty, critical race and whiteness studies, queer theory and critical theory and pedagogy in the neoliberal university.