Yasser Khazaal, PhD
Professor of addiction psychiatry (Lausanne University)
Chief Physician, Department of Addictions Medicine (CHUV, Lausanne)

- Affiliation: Lausanne University
- Twitter: @khazaal_yasser
- ResearchGate
Are Apps the ubiquitous tool to boost change?
Smart phones are widely used. They are mobile, available 24 hours a day and connected, and offer an infinite number of widely accessible functions. In particular, applications (apps) and the technologies associated with them, have several aspects that could be of interest to the field of mental health. Ubiquitous and flexible, they can reach large sections of the population by providing an interactive assistance in the community. I will review the current data and present concrete examples to demonstrate the potential apps can offer. In doing so, I aim to clarify the process of developing and validating apps as well as the challenges encountered through specific examples.
Yasser Khazaal is a psychiatrist-psychotherapist. He is a professor at the University of Lausanne and chief physician in the Department of Addictions Medicine at CHUV in Switzerland.
He works specifically on the development and evaluation of apps and their recreational approach in the dissemination of possible treatments and in promoting the processes of empowerment and recovery.