Multiple sclerosis is an autoimmune disease that affects an estimated 90,000 people in Canada. People affected with MS will experience a gradual loss of neurological functions with intermittent relapses, or they may present with gradual decline in function from the onset. Quality of life diminishes, leading to loss of movement and cognition.
Research has shown that the immune system causes relapses and lesions in the brain and spinal cord, which can be slowed by immune-modulatory drugs. Early drugs such as interferons were variably effective but offered hope that a cure could be found. Subsequent research has identified several other immune-modulatory drugs and new therapies aimed at stopping the immune system and regenerating lost tissue in the central nervous system.
The talk will focus on research related to MS treatments including autologous bone marrow transplantation, new results on how adrenergic and cholinergic drugs might have potential to treat autoimmune disease, and an emerging project exploring focused ultrasound in the context of MS therapeutics. As the therapeutic options continue to grow, so does the hope that people affected by MS might have ways to substantially improve their quality of life and gain back their full health.