Dr. Tim Evans is the Vice President, Research, Innovation and Impact at Concordia University. Dr. Evans earned his medical degree from McMaster University and a D.Phil. in Agricultural Economics from the University of Oxford, where he was a Rhodes Scholar. Before joining Concordia, he was the inaugural Director and Associate Dean of the School of Population and Global Health at McGill University, and the Associate Vice-President of Global Policy and Innovation. He also served as Executive Director of Canada’s COVID-19 Immunity Task Force and held senior roles at the World Bank, WHO, and BRAC University. Throughout his career, Dr. Evans has led initiatives such as the WHO Commission on Social Determinants of Health, co-founded GAVI, and advanced access to HIV treatment and midwifery training in Bangladesh.
The opportunity of a new School of Health at Concordia: Carpe diem!
Join Tim Evans, vice-president of Research, Innovation and Impact, for a discussion on the future of health and Concordia’s role in it. He will explore how the new School of Health can carve out a distinct niche, drawing on the university’s existing strengths. The talk will also invite discussion on how the school can serve as a university-wide asset and drive collaboration across disciplines.
Joignez-vous à Tim Evans, vice-président de la recherche, de l'innovation et de l'impact, pour une discussion sur l'avenir de la santé et le rôle de Concordia à cet égard. Il examinera comment la nouvelle École de la santé peut se tailler un créneau distinct, en s'appuyant sur les forces existantes de l'université. Il invitera également les participants à discuter de la façon dont l'école peut constituer un atout pour l'ensemble de l'université et favoriser la collaboration entre les disciplines..
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