Clinical Analysis Suite
The Clinical Analysis Suite promotes the advancement of research and academic training using a variety of concepts and techniques in fields such as biochemistry, cellular and molecular biology, immunology, virology, oncology and chemistry.
The Agilent 6460 Triple Quadrupole LC/MS System is equipped with a Jet Stream source (ESI or APCI) with a mass range from m/z 5-3,000 for quantitative analysis. Different modes are available; MS scan, precursor and product ion scan, multiple reaction monitoring (MRM). The system is operated with MassHunter Software.
Internal: 30$/hr
Academic/public: 147$/hr
Private: 191$/hr
The system has 3 lasers; blue (488nm), red (640 nm), and violet (405 nm) and is operated with FACSuite software.
• Blue laser 488 nm: 4 PMT detectors
752LP 783/56 (ex.: Pe-Cy7)
665LP 700/54 (ex.: PerCP, PE-Cy5)
560LP 586/42 (ex.: PE, Propidium Iodide)
507LP 527/32 (ex.: FITC, CFSE)
• Red laser 640 nm : 2 PMT detectors
752LP 783/56 (ex.: APC-Cy7)
660/10 660/10 (ex.: APC)
• Violet laser 405 nm: 2 PMT detectors
500LP 528/45 (ex.: APC-Cy7)
448/45 448/45 (ex : V450, Pacific Blue)
Internal: 45$/hr
Academic/public: 90$/hr
Private: 150$/hr
Immunoassay Multiplex Analysis using magnetic beads to capture substrate with high specificity, sensitivity and accuracy. The xMAP (Multi-Analyte Profiling) uses fluorescence-labeled beads for the simultaneous capture of up to 80 proteins, analytes and/or genes from a single reaction.
Internal: 5$/hr
Academic/public: 39$/hr
Private: 51$/hr
Used to measure fluorescence intensity, UV-Visible absorbance and luminescence detection.
Internal: Free
Academic/public: 30$/hr
Private: 39$/hr
Compatible with a variety of fluorescent dyes and probe chemistries, including SYBR Green, EvaGreen, and TaqMan probes. The system is operated with the CFX Maestro software to normalize gene expression.
Internal: Free
Academic/public: 32$/hr
Private: 42$/hr
Used for routine multi-chemistry panels using 0.1 ml whole blood or serum. It monitors 28 enzymatic reactions on 9 distinct wavelengths.
Internal: free
Academic/public: 13$/hr
Private: 17$/hr
Inverted widefield microscope with automation in the z-plane and cameras for colour (DFC295) or fluorescence (DFC360X 1.4 megapixel CCD, 20 fps). The microscope has 10x, 20x, 40x, 63x oil and 100x oil objectives, and uses Leica Application Software to capture images. For fluorescence, there are 360, 480, 545 and 629 nm filter cubes, and a mercury light source.
Internal: 5$/hr
Academic/public: 20$/hr
Private: 26$/hr
UV-Vis spectrophotometer that measures wavelengths from 190-840 nm.
Internal: free
Academic/public: 13$/hr
Private: 17$/hr
List of services
Our team is committed to providing high quality research services to ensure satisfaction for both academic and industrial researchers. Our work often starts at the project planning stage by providing you with advanced technical consultation to either select or develop appropriate methods depending on your research needs and cost analysis. Once the protocol is validated and ready to go, the clinical analysis team will perform the data acquisition applying the appropriate quality controls so that you are confident in the results.
Cannabis quantification in blood (THC, 11-hydroxy-THC, CBD)
Discovery biomarker
Plasma, serum, urine extraction
Vitamin D
Elisa reader and Microplate washer
Luminex system (Magnetic beads for immunoassay)
Alanine aminotransferase
Alkaline phosphatase
Aspartate aminotransferase
Blood urea nitrogen
Cholesterol, HDL, Chol/HDL, LDL, Trig, VLDL, nHDLc, glucose
Creatine Kinase
Direct bilirubin (DBIL)
Estimate Glomerular Filtration rate
Gamma glutamyltransferase
Lactate Dehydrogenase
Non-HDLC (non high-density lipoprotein cholesterol)
Protein C reactive
Total Bilirubin (TBIL)
Total Carbon dioxide
Total Protein (TP)
Uric acid
Agarose gel separation
DNA concentration
DNA/RNA purification
Primer Design
Protein Expression and Production
SpectroLinker XL-1000 UV crosslinker
Buffer Exchange
Depletion of plasma with abundant protein
Fluorescent assay
Gel Imaging (Gel Doc XR+ BIO RAD)
Protein Concentration
SDS-PAGE/Western Blot
Hematocrit (Hct)
Hgb (Hemoglobin) concentration
Mean Corspuscular (erythrocyte) Hemoglobin (MC)
Mean Corspuscular (erythrocyte) Hemoglobin Concentration (MCHC)
Mean Corspuscular (erythrocyte) Volume (MCV)
Mean Platelet (thrombocyte) Volume (MPV)
Plateletcrit (Pct)
Platelet Distribution Width (PDW)
Platelet or thrombocyte count (Plt)
Red blood cells (RBC)
Red cell (erythrocyte volume) Distribution width (RDW)
White blood cell (WBC: LY, MO, GR)
Basic Metabolic Panel
Biochemistry panel
Comprehensive Metabolic Panel
Electrolyte panel
General Chemistry
Hepatic Function panel
Kidney check
Lipid Panel
Lipid Panel Plus
Protein reactive C
Renal function panel
Urine (reagent strip)
Contact us
For more information about this facility and our related services, contact:
Suiyang (Frank) Li