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A Co-Curricular Record (CCR) is an official institutional document that validates a student’s achievement and involvement through various recognized categories identified by Concordia University. Each position on the database is assigned a validator. The validators are responsible for approving or declining students’ requests for an activity. Validators are in charge of reviewing the CCR requests for the activities that they oversee and manage.

Validator account

In order to access the database, if you do not already have an account, an account will need to be created. Please complete the Validator Request Form. Once your request is reviewed and your account activated, you will receive an email.

Login and access CCR database

Co-curricular experiences

The CCR offers students with diverse opportunities to engage in activities identified as fostering learning through personal growth and professional development. It allows students to build employability skills and enhance transferable skills.

There are a variety of co-curricular experiences offered by many departments accross the univierstiy and student groups to take part in, whether it be of personal interest or professional development. View the Co-Curricular Catalogue to see current positions (positions are added throughout the year).

Regardless of the activity, it must meet the following criteria to be eligible for the CCR.

  • Encourage and support student growth and development
  • It cannot be an activity required for academic credit
  • Positions cannot be paid
  • It must be connected to an on-campus opportunity
  • Only activities for the current academic year will be accepted

There are five areas the CCR recognizes:

Clubs and associations 

  • Positions held within student groups and associations

Campus and community engagement

  • Volunteer opportunities, university governance

Leadership and professional development

  • Training sessions, conferences, workshops

Student led initiatives

  • Performances, art-based initiates, exhibits, etc

Varsity Athletics

  • Concordia Stingers

Each position has a selection of competencies, which appear on the record. It can be used to help foster students' professional development in order to demonstrate aptitude and transferable skills that have been cultivated through their engagement in student life. Students have the option to complete a reflection component however, this does not appear on the record.


  • Being Adaptable & Flexible 
  • Planning & Organizing
  • Communications Skills 
  • Leadership & Management
  • Digital Capabilities 
  • Problem Solving
  • Social Responsibility 
  • Self-Awareness & Positive Attitude
  • Collaboration & Teamwork 
  • Multicultural Awareness & Appreciation of Diversity

Employability – A Co-Curricular Record allows students to build employability skills and enhance their transferable skills beyond what is recognized on the academic transcript. Students with a CCR can state their experience on their resume, and can include their official record with their resume when applying to jobs, graduate schools, and bursaries/scholarships.

Professionalism - Having an official documentation of experience that is institution-endorsed provides legitimacy and looks professional. The document is signed by the Univeristy President and the Dean of Students.

Leadership – A CCR shows student’s initiative to gain valuable skills outside the classroom and demonstrates they are dedicated to making a difference in their community.

Self-Reflection – Students reflect on their experiences participating in a CCR activity and identify which learning outcomes they developed as a result of their participation. Self-reflection enhances learning and professional development of students.

CCR Procedures

  1. A Position Request Form is to be completed in order for a position to be added to the database.
  2. Once submitted it is reviewed by the CCR administrator who will approve the position, which will then be added to the database and an email is sent to the individual who submitted the form.
  3. Students can search for the position and add it to their record. Once added to their record, an automatic email is sent to the validator informing them of a pending validation.
  4. Once the position is verified by the validator, it is recorded on the student’s CCR record.

A CCR Position Request form is to be completed when adding a new activity to the database. The form can be completed prior or after students have participated. Once submitted it is reviewed, added to the database and students can then add it to their record.

  • Do write in third person (ex. they)
  • Do write about the position in 5 sentences max.
  • Don't include bullet points or characters.
  • Don't include dates

Guide to adding a new position to the database

  • To log-in, sign into the CCR databae.
  • Once signed in click the “My Validations” button to check what positions you have to validate.
  • In the My Validation Home section any validations requiring approval will appear under the "Pending Validations" tab. Make sure the student requesting to be validated was active within your group or organization. If they were, click the "Approve Selected" button heading and the activity will be added to their CCR. Select "Decline" under the same heading if they were not.
  • The option to send an email will appear and the validator must check this box.

Guide to validate a student's position

Positions can be submitted throughout the academic year.

Final date to have student positions validated for this academic year is May 31, 2025.


Try resetting your password. If you still have trouble logging in, please contact us:

Don't worry, we can help! Email us and we will be able to make the changes.

Please email us and we will be able to make the appropriate changes:

Contact us

Dean of Students
SGW: 514-848-2424, ext. 3517
LOY: 514-848-2424, ext. 4239

Fax: 514-848-3510

Meet our staff

Sir George Williams Campus

H-659 (see map)
1455 De Maisonneuve Blvd. W.

Monday to Friday
9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Closed daily for lunch

Loyola Campus

AD-115 (see map)
7141 Sherbrooke St. W.

Monday to Friday
9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Closed daily for lunch

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