The most unexpected part about exchange was…
How easy it was to make friends. Everyone is in the same situation and therefore is very open and friendly. The friends you make can also relate when you feel homesick or any other struggle a student on exchange could go through.
My favourite part of going on exchange was…
Becoming a local for a few months in a completely foreign place while discovering new cultures and people!
I recommend going on exchange because…
It’s an opportunity to experience something completely different for a few months, to see so many beautiful places and make international friends. You can also get the Quebec Mobility Bursary which only adds to the long list of reasons why you should go.
Anything else that you would like to share:
For any student considering exchange, just go! It is difficult to encapsulate in only a few words how amazing it is but I would do it all over again any day. It will remain one of the most beautiful thing I experienced, I still cherish every memory I have of it.