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U.S. Veteran Affairs benefits

VA education benefits help Veterans, service members, and their qualified family members with needs like paying college tuition. Concordia is recognized as an eligible foreign school by the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs.

Veteran Affairs benefits

The Financial Aid and Awards Office helps students to work with the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs to pursue studies at Concordia. Students should contact FAAO early so that we can guide them through the process.

If they are newly admitted students, their first step is to make sure they have their Certificate of Eligibility, and verify their program is eligible for funding.

Our office is here to help and guide you through the process of obtaining VA funding and understanding your responsibilities to remain eligible in the program. Please verify if your program is eligible by consulting the VA WEAMS Institution search here. If your program is not listed, please contact us early as the VA program approval is a lengthy process.

At Concordia University eligible programs for U.S. Veteran Affairs are only degree programs leading to a Bachelor, Master, or PhD. Students should verify that their degree program is eligible.  Please note independent studies, diplomas and certificates are not eligible for U.S. Veteran Affairs funding.

Important information: Section-1102 Continuation of Educational assistance benefits during COVID-19. The exemption for receiving the monthly housing allowance and GI benefits for online courses has been extended to June 1, 2022. When enrolling for  courses  in Summer 2022  or  any  subsequent  term,  students  will  need  to enroll  in approved resident  (in  person)  classes  to  continue receiving benefits.

As soon as you have accepted your offer of admission to Concordia University, please make an appointment with the Financial Aid and Awards Office (FAAO) to meet with your School Certifying Official.

You will need:

  • Eligibility Certificate
  • Admission to a degree program

Loan application 2024-2025 deadlines

Term Application deadline
Summer 2024 March 1, 2024
Fall/Winter 2024-2025 August 14, 2024
Winter 2025 December 1, 2025

For students applying for VA funding the following documents are required:

2024-2025 Consent to Release Confidential Information Form

To receive funding through the VA you must provide permission to Concordia University to release academic and financial school records to the VA.  If you agree to this requirement, please provide the permission by completing and signing this form.

2024-2025 Academic Approval Form

As per 38CFR21.4200 An educational objective leads to the awarding of a diploma, degree, or certificate which reflects educational attainment as distinguished from a certificate or a license to practice a profession or trade.  The objective will be the name of the highest degree, diploma, or certificate included in the program, such as a GED (General Educational Development) certificate, high school diploma, bachelor degree, master degree, or Ph.D. degree.  Your academic advisor must review your course selection and ensure you are making academic progress towards obtaining your degree within a reasonable time frame.

2024-2025 Concordia VA Application Form

The VA application form provides important information for our office to process your VA funding request as well as provide you with important rules and regulations.

Please upload the following documents as one single PDF.

Your VA application must be submitted securely through your Student Centre. Please follow the following steps to ensure your documents are well received. 

Step 1

In your Student Centre, you must click on "Apply for Bursaries or Scholarships" in the Finances section.



Step 2

Complete the Aid Declaration for 2024-2025 and indicate that you have applied for U.S Aid. 


Step 3

Click on "Awards Applications" and then click on "Click here to attach documents" (bottom left).



Step 4

Select "VA Application" under Document Type. Do not forget to upload your application documents as one single PDF.



Step 5

Email with the subject line: "VA Application - Student ID" to confirm your documents have been uploaded to your student centre. 

Your file will then be assigned to a Financial Aid Advisor who will email you to confirm the receipt of your documents. Please note that during peak periods, your application may take a few days to be processed. 


Isakson & Roe: Public Law 116-315 (Section 1019)

The school is now responsible for returning funding student has not earned.  The students account will get debited for the amount requested by the VA. Students  may  end up  owing  a  tuition  debt  to  your  school  (VA  will  charge the  school  a prorated tuition  and fee  debt  which  the school  may,  in turn,  pass  on  to  the student) if there is a change in enrollment.

Public Law (P.L) 116-315

Section 1010 requires schools to submit an initial enrollment certification for each chapter 33 student, and a subsequent enrollment certification (verification) after the school’s drop-add period. The end of the drop-add period is the last day when a student is able to withdraw from the course or program of education without consequence. The second certification (verification) should be received no later than 30 days after the school’s drop-add period or 60 days from the first day of the enrollment period, whichever occurs first.

For Chapter 33 students ONLY

Beneficiaries must  verify  their  enrollment status  each  month for  enrollment periods which begin  on  or  after August  1,  2021,  to continue  to  receive  their  monthly housing allowance (MHA)  and/or  kicker payments. Students may choose to do this by Text Message, Telephone or Email.

One GI Bill benefit students sometimes miss is the tutoring benefit.

If a student is:

  • Enrolled in an educational program for half-time or more,
  • Using the Montgomery GI Bill (Chapter 30), Post-9/11 GI Bill (Chapter 33) or the Dependents’ Educational Assistance (Chapter 35) benefit,
  • Having trouble in a required subject and needs a tutor, and,
  • Their course instructor (or teacher) agrees that the student needs a tutor and writes a letter on their behalf.

Then the student can be reimbursed up to $100 a month and a total of $1,200.

If you have transferred schools and are now attending Concordia University you will need to complete the VA Form 22-1995. As you have now selected to attend Concordia University you must follow the steps below:


Step1: Mail the completed form to the VA Regional Processing Office in the region of that school's or establishment's physical address. Determine the correct office from the list on page 4.


Step 2: Notify the veterans certifying official at your school or training establishment that you have applied for VA education benefits. Ask him or her to submit your enrollment information using VA Form 22-1999, Enrollment Certification, or its electronic version.


Step 3: Wait for VA to process your application and notify you of our decision concerning your continued eligibility for educational assistance.

Additional information and to obtain the form:

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