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Estimation letters and receipts

If you need to know how much your tuition and personal expenses will cost — either to apply for your study permit or to apply for a loan — the International Students Office (ISO) has prepared estimation letters based on How Fees are Billed and the tuition and fee estimator

All letters have been prepared using the current International tuition fee rate.

Every effort has been made to ensure that these letters use the most up-to-date information available. Please keep in mind that these are estimation letters and that fees may vary depending on course registration, tuition and/or fee increase and other factors.

Estimation letters are available below under your Faculty, then the level of studies (undergraduate or graduate) and finally your program (as indicated on your offer of admission).


If you've been admitted to a Master's of Engineering (Mechanical Engineering) for September 2024:

  1. Go to term of admission (start of studies) - Fall 2024
  2. Go to the section Gina Cody School of Engineering and Computer Science
  3. Click Graduate
  4. Click Master's of Applied Computer Science or Engineering (course-based – 45 credits)
  5. Open the PDF

If you cannot find your program, contact

Students starting in Fall 2024

Arts and Science

Gina Cody School of Engineering and Computer Sience

John Molson School of Business

Fine Arts

Students starting in Winter 2025

Arts and Science

Gina Cody School of Engineering and Computer Science

John Molson School of Business

Receipt of payment request

This information applies to international students only. 

Before making your payment(s) please make sure to check the estimation letter that applies to your program for any fee increase. The receipt will be issued based on the most current estimation letter.

Please visit to find out how to pay and get a receipt. Should you have further questions about your payment and/or your receipt, please contact

Last updated: March 4, 2025, 2:12 p.m.

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