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Forces Avenir

Forces AVENIR aims to recognize, honour and promote the commitment of students in projects that contribute to the development of socially conscious, responsible, active and persevering citizens who are both dedicated to their community and open to the world.

In 2023, finalists shared in grants totaling $114,000!

Upcoming application support drop-in

See more details

How to Apply

Prospective applicants can either apply as an individual under the Personality categories (Graduate, Undergraduate, and/or Perseverant) or, student-led projects can apply to one of the Project categories below:

  • Arts, Literature, and Culture

  • Entrepreneurship, Business, and Social Economy

  • Environment 

  • Health and Healthy Living

  • Mutual Aid, Peace and Justice

  • Science and Technology 

  • Society, Communications and Education

Forces Avenir Info Session: Let your commitment and perseverance shine



Project Avenir: Project finalists will receive $2,000, and the winners $4,000 and the Forces Avenir trophy.

Personality Avenir – Undergrad, Graduate, Perseverant and Staff Member: The finalists will receive $2,000 and the winners $4,000 and the Forces Avenir Trophy

Avenir Projet par excellence: Grand prize winner receives $15,000 as well as the Forces Avenir trophy

Personality Avenir par excellence: Grand prize winner receives $15,000 as well as the Forces Avenir trophy

Eligibility criteria

For Individuals

  • Be registered as a full-time student (or recognized as such) for at least one semester during the eligibility period (April 1, 2023 to March 31, 2024)

  • No more then 35 years of age

  • Cannot be a former recipient of a Forces Avenir university award in the Personality Avenir category

For Projects

  • The project must not be carried out as part of a university undergraduate program worth more than three (3) credits

  • The project must not take place in context of a course or a research program which is part of the requirements for obtaining a graduate degree

  • At least 80% of the students involved in the project must meet the criteria for individuals

  • The project application must focus on activities undertaken, completed, or accomplished during this academic year (April 1, 2023 to March 31, 2024). 

  • The project must not have already received a Forces Avenir university award in the Project Avenir category

Selection Process

  1. Submit your application before March 31. 

  2. Concordia will select a maximum of two applications per category to Forces Avenir.

  3. Forces Avenir’s Specialist Juries of three people recognized in their field will then select recipients of the grants and Avenir trophies through presentations/interviews of the top 4 candidates in each category to find the finalists.                              

  4. Interviews and presentations will take place over the course on June 2024. Representatives will be required to attend these interviews in either person, phone, or videoconference

  5. A grand jury of key figures in society from the different fields will then determine the recipients of the Avenir Par Excellence grants and trophies.

Contact us

Dean of Students
SGW: 514-848-2424, ext. 3517
LOY: 514-848-2424, ext. 4239

Fax: 514-848-3510

Meet our staff

Sir George Williams Campus

H-659 (see map)
1455 De Maisonneuve Blvd. W.

Monday to Thursday
9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Closed daily for lunch

9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Loyola Campus

AD-115 (see map)
7141 Sherbrooke St. W.

Monday to Thursday
9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Closed daily for lunch

9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

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