When starting a group or initiative having funding is essential to get your projects up and running. Below is a list of resources at Concordia you can potentially use to make your ideas a reality.
Available to all students and student groups
Available to current students or a recognized Concordia student association.
Many types of funding offered.
Available to student groups for faith- or interfaith-specific events, on or off campus.
For actions, projects or movements that support social and environmental justice.
For sustainable projects
For community-led, socially transformative projects
Concordia’s crowdfunding platform for students, researchers and community members
Limited to students and groups in the Faculty of Arts and Science.
Limited to students and groups in the Faculty of Fine Arts.
Available to students in the Faculty who are invited to show their work outside of Montreal.
Limited to groups under the ECA. Must fit mandate.
Events must be directly related to the School.
Available to JMSB undergrads for attending conferences related to their field of study.
Limited to those under the CASA umbrella.
Available to GSA members for academic or special projects
To present at scholarly exhibitions or conferences. Contact: Jordan Carey, ext. 3835.
Dean of Students SGW: 514-848-2424, ext. 3517 LOY: 514-848-2424, ext. 4239
Fax: 514-848-3510 deanofstudents.office@concordia.ca
Meet our staff
H-659 (see map) 1455 De Maisonneuve Blvd. W.
Monday to Friday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Closed daily for lunch
AD-115 (see map) 7141 Sherbrooke St. W.
© Concordia University