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Student-led Orientation/Frosh events

Meet your new student community at welcome events organized by your student association and student union.

What is Orientation/Frosh?

As a new student, you are automatically a member of your student-faculty association and a member of either the undergraduate or graduate student union. To welcome you, student leaders organize orientation/frosh events during the beginning of the fall and winter terms. These include mixers, excursions and big outdoor gatherings and are a great way to make new friends and learn how to get involved in student life.

Get to know your faculty student association

Arts & Science Federation of Associations (ASFA)

ASFA represents all undergraduate students in the Faculty of Arts and Science and hosts a range of social and academic activities.

Commerce & Administration Student Association (CASA)

CASA represents all undergraduate students at the John Molson School of Business and hosts a range of social activities..

Concordia Student Union (CSU)

CSU serves all undergraduate students, defends their rights and acts as their highest representative body at Concordia.

Engineering & Comp Science Student Association (ECA)

ECA represents all undergraduate students at the Gina Cody School of Engineering and Computer Science and hosts a range of social and academic activities.

Fine Arts Student Alliance (FASA)

FASA represents all undergraduate students within the Faculty of Fine Arts and hosts a range of social and academic activities.

Graduate Student Association (GSA)

The GSA represents the collective interests and promotes the general welfare of the graduate students of Concordia.

Upcoming events 

All events will also be announced on social media. Follow your association and student union social media accounts for details on events and how to register or purchase tickets.  







Want to learn more about student life on campus?

First Year Experience

Contact us

514-848-2424, ext. 7369


Sir George Williams Campus
Room H-757

Office hours

Monday to Friday,
9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

© Concordia University