Full and part-time status is based on the number of credits you complete each term. Students who take 12 or more credits in each of the fall and winter terms are considered full-time, whereas students who take less than 12 credits in each of those terms are considered part-time.
There are academic costs to studying full or part-time. The majority of undergraduate program planning guides and course sequences are based on full-time study, so studying part-time may affect your program’s course sequence. And, studying part-time will mean that it will take you longer to complete your degree requirements. You can always connect with an academic advisor if you have questions about the academic impact of studying full or part-time!
Time management is a key factor when deciding to study full or part-time. Full-time students devote more hours each week to in-class learning and outside-of-class study time. There are reasons why you may want to consider studying part-time, especially if you have work, family or extracurricular responsibilities. The Student Success Centre offers workshops, handouts, and learning specialist appointments for students who want to strengthen their time management skills.
Your status can also impact many areas related to your university studies. Below are some considerations that students should be aware of when considering studying full or part-time.