Join us Wednesdays at 11:30 a.m.
Live Q&A with Academic Advising
and Student Services staff
Get the answers you need, on the spot!
The Student Service Station connects you with academic advisors and student services staff to get the answers you need quickly.
Meet in-person over Zoom to discover the Concordia offices here to support you throughout your academic journey.
This live event that takes place every Wednesday between 11:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. throughout the term.
Open to all Concordia students!
Topics include:
- Student accounts and billing
- Connecting with fellow students and getting involved on campus
- CAQ & study permits
- Career counseling
- Co-op requirements
- Academic advising (changing programs, course selection, DISC, etc.)
- Time management and study skills
- Admission requirements
- Securing off-campus housing
- Making student requests
Attend the next Station
Choose the date that best suits your schedule.
Participating units
University services
Staff and faculty contact
If you're a staff or faculty member who would like to be part of the Student Service Station,
please contact Amy Kimball.