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Gambling Research Methods: Qualitative/Quantitative/Laboratory Approaches

Wednesday, September 29th 10:00 am-12:00 pm (Pacific Time)
9 septembre 2021

This online workshop will feature a balance of both quantitative and qualitative approaches, and will primarily be a pedagogical (‘how to’) session that should appeal to graduate students and other early career researchers in the field of gambling studies. Methods include: ethnography, crowdsourcing platforms, ecological momentary assessment, slot machine analysis, mixed methods, legal analysis and more! Visit eventbrite to register.


Methods include:

  • Ethnography 
  • Crowdsourcing platforms
  • Ecological momentary assessment
  • Slot machine analysis
  • Mixed methods
  • Critical law and policy.


Luke Clark (UBC)                               Kate Bedford (U Birmingham)

Fiona Nicoll (U Alberta)                      Sherry Stewart (Dalhousie U)

Andrew Kim (Ryerson U)                    Rebecca Cassidy (Goldsmiths U)


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