The SHIFT Journal of Social Transformation
Seeing systems change in action
General submission & publication guidelines
Interested in publishing in the SHIFT Journal? Check out our guidelines to learn more about what we're looking for and how to submit your work for publication.
Special Edition Call-out: Social Transformation as an Act of Love
***Deadline Extended - January 21st at end of day***
Social Transformation as an Act of Love is looking for submissions of love letters addressed to future generations, movements, ancestors, and/or the Earth. We will take up to 16 submissions total for publication on or around Valentine’s Day.
It is our hope that this space for reflective writing provides some time for grounded expression and acts as a small reminder of the light that we are working towards during the cold months. Let these love letters remind and recommit you, and all those who will have the pleasure of reading them, to the lifelong dedication of building a better world.
Submission Guidelines:
- 25-500 words
- Must be based in Montreal. Preference given to those affiliated with SHIFT and/or Concordia already.
- French or English
- Love letters should fall under at least one of the four themes:
- Future generations
- Ancestors
- Movements
- Earth
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About the SHIFT Journal
As a non-academic university unit, the SHIFT Journal provides an avenue for our partners to publish through an institution regardless of their involvement in academia, and outside of the challenges of rigid publication rules.
Shared power is SHIFT’s core operating principle. With the Journal, we hope to share not just the lessons we've learned over the last five years of SHIFT, but also the many exciting and alternative paths that our wider community is taking towards a more just future.