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Admissions requirements

A pre-university or a technical DEC is required. The CRC requirement for admission varies per program. Please refer to the program page for specific admissions requirements.

How to apply for undergraduate studies

What is a degree?

Quebec college and high school applicants

  • Students completing a Quebec Secondary V Diploma are not directly admissible to undergraduate programs. Learn more about admission to Mature Entry.
  • Students in Quebec schools studying other curricula (such as Ontario, IB, etc.) should consult admissions requirements for their curriculum.
  • Collège international Marie de France and Collège Stanislas applicants will be reviewed on their French Baccalaureate grades.
  • Lower Canada College and Stanstead College applicants will be reviewed on their grade 12 school transcripts and/or IB predicted grades.
  • Alexander von Humboldt German International School applicants will be reviewed on their Abitur (DIAP) grades.

Concordia/CEGEP articulation agreements

Concordia is proud to offer Articulation Agreements with several CEGEPs. An articulation agreement allows students of designated DEC programs to obtain either course exemptions or advanced standing credits in a bachelor's degree program at Concordia.

CEGEP equivalencies

If you attended CEGEP you may be entitled to a course exemption. Courses you may be exempt from, depending on your academic background, are listed below.

Course No.
Exempted from
Concordia Course No.
Biology 101-301 or
BIOL 201
Chemistry 202-101 or
CHEM 205
202-201 or
CHEM 206
202-202 CHEM 221
202-302 CHEM 222
Computer Literacy Course equivalencies vary by CEGEP. BTM 200
Economics Microeconomics & Macroeconomics
course equivalencies vary by CEGEP.
Effective Fall 2025, passing grade required only.
ECON 203
ECON 201


Any 602-200 level course FRAN 211
Any 602-300 level course FRAN 212
Any 602-400 or
602-900 level course
FRAN 215
German 609-201 (70%); or
609-211 (70%); or
609-301 (70%); or
609-GE2 (70%)
GERM 201
609-401 (70%); or
609-411 (70%); or
609-901 (70%)
GERM 200 and GERM 202
Hebrew 611-101 and
HEBR 210
611-301 and

HEBR 250
Italian 608-201 (70%); or
608-211 (70%); or
608-301 (70%); or
608-BXL (70%); or
608-TA2 (70%)
ITAL 201
608-401 (70%); or
608-411 (70%); or
608-901 (70%)
ITAL 200 and ITAL 202
201-103 or
201-NYA or
201-SH2 or
MATH 203
MATH 209
201-105 or
201-NYC or
201-SH4 or
MATH 204
MATH 208
201-203 or
201-NYB or
201-SH3 or

MATH 205
201-205 (80%) MAST 234 and MATH 251
201-303 (80%) MAST 218
Physics 203-101 or
203-102 or
PHYS 204
PHYS 224
203-201 or
203-202 or
PHYS 205
PHYS 225
203-301 or
203-302 or
PHYS 206
PHYS 226
Psychology 350-101 (75%) or
350-102 (75%)
PSYC 205
(Previously known as PSYC 200) 
Sociology 360-300 (80%) SOCI 212
Spanish 607-201 (70%); or
607-211 (70%); or
607-301 (70%); or
607-BXL (70%); or
607-GNB (70%); or
607-LBL (70%); or
607-SH2 (70%)
SPAN 201
607-401 (70%); or
607-411 (70%); or
607-901 (70%); or
607-SP4 (70%)
SPAN 200 and SPAN 202

Are you ready?

Questions? Contact us

For CEGEP students and academic advisors:

Ashley Hollister
Manager, Quebec Student Recruitment

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