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Alumni Recognition Awards Recipients 2019

Presented on May 2, 2019

Portrait of Peter Kruyt

Peter Kruyt, BComm 78

Humberto Santos Award of Merit 

Awarded to a graduate who has made a lifetime contribution of exceptional leadership and service to Concordia and to the community.

Christine C. Lengvari, BSc 72

Benoît Pelland Distinguished Service Award

Awarded to a graduate who has demonstrated a long-term commitment of outstanding service to the alumni association and university.

Alan Shepard

Honorary Life Membership

Awarded to a non-graduate ambassador with a long-term commitment of outstanding service to the alumni association and/or the university.

Vivek Venkatesh, MA 03, PhD 08

Alumnus of the Year

Awarded to a graduate who has demonstrated professional excellence and community leadership.

Antoine Labranche, BA 09

Young Alumnus/Alumna of the Year

Awarded to a recent graduate with a record of exemplary service to his/her community and/or profession.

Alain Tessier

Outstanding Staff Award

Awarded to a Concordia University staff member who has made an exceptional contribution to the alumni association or to the university community.

Eva Pomeroy

Alumni Award for Innovative Teaching

Awarded to a member of Concordia’s faculty who embraces innovation in his/her field of research, sharing of knowledge, teaching ability and/or accessibility to students.

Brandon Montour

Constantina Roumeliotis

Outstanding Student Leader Award 

Awarded to a Concordia student leader who is an outstanding contributor to student life and the university community.

Portrait of Kenneth M. Brooks

Kenneth M. Brooks, MBA 99

MBA Alumnus of the Year

Awarded to an MBA graduate who has demonstrated outstanding professional achievement and dedication to both the community at large and the university.

Morton S. Minc, BA 67

John F. Lemieux Medal

Presented to a member of the Concordia community whose trailblazing spirit and next-generation approach in the pursuit of excellence challenges current-day boundaries.

Winston Kan, BAdmin 81

International Excellence Award

Awarded to a graduate or community of graduates outside of Montreal who, through exceptional leadership and outstanding volunteer service in the alumni community or country, has enhanced the reputation and prestige of the alumni association and university.

See previous recipients >

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