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Campus Life and Student Services

From first year to graduation, robust student services enhance the Concordia student experience: health and wellness support, learning strategies, career planning  help build a sense of community.

Concordia Student Parent Centre (CUSP)

The Concordia Student Parent Centre supports Concordia students who have children as they pursue their studies. The center provides a child-friendly, on-campus space where members can access study stations, a play area, and a kitchenette for food preparation.

Additionally, the center offers life skills workshops, tutoring for children, and referrals for resources such as childcare, financial aid, and housing. English and French conversation groups for adults are also available. Staff and volunteers provide childcare while parents study and organize free clothing, toys, and goods exchanges — contributing to Concordia’s sustainability initiatives.


Otsenhákta Student Centre (OSC)

The Otsenhákta Student Centre (OSC) is an on-campus resource for First Nations, Inuit and Métis students. Otsenhákta, pronounced as od͡zʌ̃ˈhɑkdɑ (O-TSEN-HAK-TA), is a Kanien’kéha word meaning “near the fire.”

The mission of the OSC is to provide a welcoming space where Indigenous students can find community, support, and assistance. It aims to create inclusive and culturally rich spaces for students to study when away from home.

The OSC is located in the Hall building and organizes community-building events. It also offers guidance on identifying and applying for scholarships and bursaries and helps students make the most of other university resources.


International Students Office (ISO)

The International Students Office (ISO) provides information and support to international students from admission to graduation. The staff is trained in welcoming students from all cultures and educational systems, helping them adjust and succeed while studying in Canada.

Their services include assistance with finding and understanding health insurance, immigration regulations and documentation, and exploring employment opportunities. They also offer workshops on financial literacy and budgeting.

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