About the department
We build strong foundations in universal concepts of biology that lead to understanding of a broad range of specialized topics.
Who we are

The Department of Biology is part of the Faculty of Arts and Science. The department is located in the state-of-the-art Richard J. Renaud Science Complex on Concordia's Loyola Campus. Our departmental community consists of 25 full-time faculty, 11 part-time faculty, and 11 affiliated faculty members with a broad area of expertise and interests; over 100 graduate students, who are the driving force of research activities; and departmental technicians and support staff, who hold our department together

We offer over 60 Biology undergraduate and graduate courses, in subjects such as cell biology, genetics, genomics, biotechnology, organismal biology, ecology, evolution and conservation biology. Lab courses are performed in spacious and well-equipped teaching labs, which are managed and maintained by our technical staff. Our own computer lab is used for biostatistics, population ecology and bioinformatics labs. We offer BSc, MSc, PhD and graduate diploma programs.

Our research fields are grouped into two broad areas of biology: ecology and cell/molecular biology. Both groups are well funded by external research grants, either from federal or provincial governments, or from industry. The harmonious balance between the two groups is maintained by our weekly departmental seminar. Our faculty members are engaged in research in warm collaborative environment, involving internal, external and international collaborations. Many of our faculty members are also affiliated with the Centre for Structural and Functional Genomics, a multi-disciplinary core genomic research facility at the Loyola campus. Check the publication list for our latest discoveries.