Differential Scanning Calorimeter
Including accessories for heat of wetting, heat of reaction, gas flow cell for controlled atmosphere/humidity.
Imaging Ellipsometer/Brewster Angle Microscope
Set-up for solid or liquid substrates.
Langmuir and Langmuir-Blodgett Film Balances
Coupled to either fluorescence microscope or Imaging Ellipsometer/Brewster angle microscope.
Single-channel Tensiometer
Microvolume multiwell plate coupled to either fluorescence microscope or Imaging Ellipsometer/Brewster angle microscope.
Profile Analysis Tensiometer
For dynamic surface tension, surface rheology and contact angle measurements including subphase exchanger and controlled atmosphere/humidity chamber.
Optical microscope
Configuration for fluorescence and polarized light microscopy of liquid and solid surfaces.
Optical Microscope with DSC
Heating/cooling stage with DSC capabilities and digital imaging, coupled to fluorescence and polarized light microscopy.