Classics, Modern Languages and Linguistics
514 848-2424 ext. 2310
Our Advisor offers regular drop-in hours via Zoom (see below). You can also schedule a one-on-one appointment, which can take place in-person, by phone or online.
For a one-on-one appointment outside of regular drop-in hours, please book your appointment at this LINK.
The drop-in hours are (except during vacation or on statuary holidays):
Sandra at
- Wednesdays: 10:00am to 11:00am (Meeting ID: 838 5745 4515)
- Fridays: 2:00pm to 3:00pm (Meeting ID: 885 9123 0831)
Please contact Sandra Woywod-Page (contact information and advising hours above).
These drop-in sessions have a waiting room function. If you prefer to meet outside of these hours, please contact your advisor to schedule a regular one-on-one advising appointment.
Specific Requests
For specific requests, please review our staff contact information and areas of responsibility.
Please note that the Department does not offer translation services or the certification of translated documents.