Language placement
Find out whether or not you should take a language placement test and how to access the tests.
If you fall under one of the categories listed in the table below, your placement is automatic and you are not required to do the placement test.
If you are of Arabic origin, completed your schooling in Arabic or have an adequate linguistic background in Arabic, a language placement test is necessary.
إذا كنتَ من أصل عربي، وأتممتَ دراستك بالعربية، أو لديك إلمام باللغة العربية، فاختبار اللغة هو أمر ضروري.
If you have... | Your placement level |
No previous training in Modern Arabic | MARA 200 |
Knowledge of at least 200 words | MARA 206 |
Completed primary school education in an Arabic speaking country or knowledge of at least 500 words. | MARA 240 |
If you register in an Arabic language course NOT in accordance with the above, you may not receive credit for the course.
If you fall under one of the categories listed in the table below, your placement is automatic and you are not required to do the placement test.
If you have completed junior high school (9 years schooling) in Hong Kong, Macau, or Singapore, you are not eligible to take any of the Chinese (Mandarin) language courses, with the exception of MCHI 308: Introduction to Business Chinese. You are also welcome to take any of the Chinese (MCHI) literature or culture courses taught in English. Students from mainland China and Taiwan may also take Chinese (MCHI) literature or culture courses taught in English.
If you have... | Your placement level |
No previous training in Modern Chinese (Mandarin) | MCHI 200 |
Knowledge of at least 200 characters | MCHI 206 |
Completed primary school education in Singapore or have knowledge of at least 500 characters. If you completed primary school in other Chinese-speaking regions, an in-person placement evaluation is required. Please contact the CMLL Department. | MCHI 240 |
The Introductory Modern Chinese Mandarin courses (MCHI 200 and 206) are reserved for students enrolled in the Minor or Certificate in Modern Chinese (Mandarin) Language and Culture. If you are registered in the Minor or the Certificate, please contact the department for permission to register.
If you register in a Chinese language course NOT in accordance with the above, you may not receive credit for the course.
If you fall under one of the categories listed in the table below, your placement is automatic and you are not required to do the placement test.
Wenn sie deutscher Abstammung sind, eine deutsche Schulausbildung haben oder eine adäquate Sprachkompetenz haben, ist ein Einstufungstest erforderlich.
If you have... | Your placement level |
No previous training in German, or High School, or CEGEP Intro. German I | GERM 200 or 201 |
CEGEP Intro. German II or CEGEP Intermed. German I | GERM 202 |
CEGEP Intermed. German II or beyond | GERM 240, 241 |
If you fall under one of the categories listed in the table below, your placement is automatic and you are not required to do the placement test.
- Gli studenti che hanno già una conoscenza dell'italiano
sono pregati di contattare il Dipartimento per passare un esame on-line al fine
di determinare il livello dei corsi ai quali possono iscriversi.
If you have... | Your placement level |
PICAI &/or mother-tongue courses in CEGEP or family background in standard Italian or dialect | ITAL 210 |
No previous training in Italian or High-school, or CEGEP Intro. Italian I | ITAL 200 or 201 |
CEGEP Intro. Italian II or CEGEP Intermed. Italian I | ITAL 202 |
CEGEP Intro. Italian II or beyond | ITAL 240, 241 |
If you fall under one of the categories listed in the table below, your placement is automatic and you are not required to do the placement test.
Si Ud. es hispanohablante o si su competencia lingüística en español es equivalente a la de un hispanohablante, por favor, póngase en contacto con el Departamento para que reciba instrucciones sobre el breve test que debe hacer con el fin de determinar su nivel de lengua y el curso al que puede inscribirse.
If you have... | Your placement level |
No previous training in Spanish, or High School, or CEGEP Intro. Spanish I | SPAN 200 or 201 |
CEGEP Intro. Spanish II or CEGEP Intermed. Spanish I | SPAN 202 |
CEGEP Intermed. Spanish II or beyond | SPAN 240 or 241 |
Do I need to take a placement test?
In most cases, your placement at a particular level is automatic. See our placement guidelines to determine which course you should register for.
Students with backgrounds in Arabic, Chinese, German, Italian, or Spanish may be required to take the appropriate language placement test before registering in a language course. Please consult the placement guidelines.
The department reserves the right to transfer a student to a higher level language course if it is deemed that the course for which the student has registered is not appropriate for the extent of his or her knowledge of the language.
If you are ever unsure about how to proceed, please contact the department at 514 848.2424 ext. 2310 or email
Students should be aware that the misrepresentation of one's linguistic background and abilities is considered a form of ACADEMIC MISCONDUCT and, as such, will be treated as a CODE VIOLATION by the Department of Classics, Modern Languages and Linguistics.
Accessing the Placement Tests
The Arabic (Modern Standard), Chinese (Mandarin), German, Italian, and Spanish language placement tests are located in Moodle. These tests are only open to current Concordia University students.
To access the language placement tests FOR THE FIRST TIME:
LOG IN to Moodle using your Concordia netname and password.
If you have never taken a Moodle course before at Concordia, you will first need to create a profile for yourself in Moodle before you can proceed. To create a profile:
- Go to Moodle and log in using your Concordia netname and password.
- You can now modify your profile. Your name, e-mail address and city are required.
- You will now see your Moodle courses on the Moodle page of the Student Hub.
- In the My Moodle Courses section, click on the "All courses..." link.
- Choose the "CMLL Language Placement Tests" course in the list. The course is located under the following category: Arts & Science → Classics, Modern Languages & Linguistics → Placement Tests. Alternatively, you can scroll to the bottom of the page and type "CMLL Language Placement Tests" in the search box.
- On the next page, you can enroll yourself in the course by clicking on the key icon
that appears at the bottom left corner of the course information box. On the following page, disregard the text in red. Simply enter the enrollment key in the appropriate box and click the button to enroll. The enrollment key is ghtrg45tgtrhe5e6u
- Locate the appropriate placement test on the course home page.
- You will have access to the CMLL Language Placement Tests course in Moodle for one year following your enrollment, after which time your test results will be deleted. During that one-year period, the CMLL Language Placement Tests course will appear under your list of Moodle courses in the Student Hub. If you need to access the course after that time, you must enroll again.
- Each placement test can only be taken one time.
- To obtain your test results, please email or please call 514-848-2424 ext. 2310 to ask for your test results.
If you are having a problem enrolling in the course, please contact the Concordia Course Websites team at Don't forget to specify that you are enrolling in a course for which you have the enrollment key and that the name of the course is "CMLL Language Placement Tests."