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Quebec Performing arts on the world stage: theatre, dance, contemporary circus – 3 credits

International Graduate Summer School

July 7–17, 2017

This field school brings together artists, intellectuals, critics, and scholars to make sense of the socio-economic context allowing for arts to thrive in Québec, the building of national cultural narratives, the particularity of Montréal as a contact zone of cultures, and current analytical tools in understanding and drawing meaning from non-verbal theatrical and circus productions. In addition to engaging in critical and theoretical discussion, students see and analyse performing arts productions, as part of the Montréal Complètement Cirque festival, to discuss their creative process and commercialization or dissemination with the creators and producers. Here is an opportunity to understand the emergence, necessary conditions and individual and societal choices involved in developing a thriving artistic scene. 


Third-year undergraduate and graduate
Local, national and international students 
interested in the performing arts. 


Dr. Louis Patrick Leroux
Associate Professor, English
Professeur agrégé, Études françaises

Passive and functional knowledge of French will be expected from students in order to fully benefit from certain presentations by artists and discussions.

A detailed syllabus will follow shortly. Classes run weekdays only.

Sample weekday: 10 am to noon, lecture at Concordia; 2 to 4 or 5 pm, talks, workshops and presentations as part of Montréal Complètement Cirque (Marché international de cirque contemporain); evenings: attending performances.

Weekends: free to work on assignments and in-class presentations.


The students will contribute 8 short texts to the class blog (either critiques of shows or essayistic explorations of themes that are coming up in the seminar).

They will also have one in-class presentation on an aspect of Québec Peforming Arts (topic to be discussed with professor).

A final paper will be submitted one week after the last class.

Application and funding cycles are closed

Application and funding cycles are closed

Consult the Tuition & fee estimates page for the current rates.

If you cannot find what you are looking for, please email us.

  • Can I get credit for this course?

Yes, but if you are not registered at Concordia, contact us and we will work with you to provide you with all the information your home institution requires. You can also register as an Independent Student     


  • What is the course code? 
 ENGL 639  /  ENGL 498 : Studies in Drama, Québec Performing Arts on the World Stage.
  • Is there a syllabus?

Yes, though the detailed syllabus will only be revealed in May, when the festival programming is also revealed. The seminar runs all day and evening performances on Friday 7 July, then Monday to Friday 10-14 July and again on Monday 17 July.

Sample weekday: 10 am to noon, lecture at Concordia; 2 to 4 or 5 pm, talks, workshops and presentations as part of Montréal Complètement Cirque (Marché international de cirque contemporain) or at other sites, such at Old Port of Montreal; evenings: attending performances.

Weekends: free to work on assignments and in-class presentations.


  • Can I apply for more funding?
 If you are not a Concordia student, we strongly encourage you to apply to your home institution for funding for travel and accommodations. Once accepted into the seminar, the professor can write an official letter of acceptance and recommend you for funding.  
  • What is the language of instruction?

English. A passive understanding of French could be useful to fully follow the discussions during the festival, but the official language will be English.


  • I am about to start a MA or a PhD at Concordia. Can I apply to the summer school?

This can be discussed on a case-by-case basis.

Contact us


Tel.: 514-848-2424 ext. xxxx

1455 de Maisonneuve Blvd W., BLDG
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
H3G 1M8

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