Faculty members
Our faculty are well grounded in the study and practice of writing in English, and engaged in interdisciplinary and interuniversity research centres in areas such as media studies, sexuality studies, print culture, game studies, poetics, globalization, sustainability, and research creation.
Full-time faculty
Arseneault, JesseResearch areas: African literature & culture / animal studies / cultural studies / posthumanism / postcolonial studies / queer theory
Bardill, Jessica
- Associate Professor, English
Research areas: Indigenous studies, Indigenous literatures, bioethics, American Literature, Contemporary Canadian Literature -
Bobker, Danielle
- Professor, English
- Fellow, Simone de Beauvoir Institute & Womens Studies
Research areas: 17th & 18thC literature & culture, critical humour studies, gender & sexuality studies, pedagogy -
Bolster, Stephanie
- Professor, English
Research areas: creative writing / poetry / the long & the serial poem / ekphrasis / "ruin porn" -
Brown, Nathan
- Canada Research Chair in Poetics, English
- Director, Centre for Expanded Poetics, English
- Professor, English
Research areas: Poetry & Poetics, Theory & Philosophy, Modernism, 20th Century American Literature, Interdisciplinary Methods -
Camlot, Jason
- Concordia University Research Chair (Tier I) in Literature and Sound Studies, English
- Professor , English
Research areas: Victorian literature & culture / 19th century print culture & rhetoric, history of technology, sound recording, poetry -
Didur, Jill
- Professor, English & Associate Dean Faculty Affairs and Inclusion, FAS, English
Research areas: postcolonial studies, environmental humanities, plant studies, digital humanities, memory studies, Anthropocene studies, critical posthumanism, media studies, travel writing, disasporic studies, South Asian literature -
Evans, Meredith
- Associate Professor, English
Research areas: Renaissance literature / Shakespeare / Milton / gender studies / philosophy & literature / critical theory -
Frank, Marcie
- Professor, English
Research areas: Restoration & 18th century British literature / drama / the novel / literary criticism / 20th century American popular culture / media theory -
Howard, Liz
- Assistant Professor, English
Research areas: Indigenous/Anticolonial Poetics Innovative and Hybrid Forms Science and Poetry Social Poetry Research Creation -
Iossel, Mikhail
- Associate Professor, English
Research areas: creative writing / international literature -
Furlani, Andre Ondino
- Full Professor, English
- Fellow, School of Irish Studies
Research areas: modernism / postmodernism / philosophy & literature / modern & contemporary literature / Samuel Beckett / Guy Davenport / urban and mobility studies -
Languay, Darragh
- Senior Lecturer, Undergraduate Academic Advisor, English
Leroux, Louis Patrick
- Professeur titulaire, Études françaises
- Professor, English
status: Professor and Associate Dean, Research -
McDonnell, Maggie
- Coordinator, Composition & Professional Writing, English
McLeod, Katherine
- Assistant Professor, Limited Term Appointment, English
Research areas: Canadian and Indigenous literatures (poetry, fiction, drama, non-fiction), performance studies, feminist theory, sound, archives, radio, publishing in Canada, public humanities, podcasting. -
Moses, Omri
- Associate Professor, English
Research areas: modernism & 20th century literature / neuroscience & neurohumanities / theories of embodied and extended cognition / affect theory / vitalism / aesthetics -
Nixon, Nicola
- Associate Professor, English
Research areas: American literature/ 19th & early 20th century fiction & poetry / American gothic / science fiction / detective fiction -
Novakovich, Josip
- Professor, English
Research areas: fiction & nonfiction writing / culture, politics & history of the former Yugoslavia -
O’Leary, Daniel
- Assistant Professor, English
Research areas: early Canadian print culture & book history / Canadian intellectual history / early & modern Canadian writing -
Pask, Kevin
- Professor, English
Research areas: Renaissance literature / Shakespeare / nationalism / fantasy / literary publics / popular literature -
Powell, Stephen
- Associate Professor, English
Research areas: Old and Middle English / History of the English Language / post-medieval reception of the Middle Ages / editorial history -
Queyras, Sina
- Professor, English
Research areas: writing across genres / climate change / eco-poetics / feminism utopian & dystopian narratives -
Ross, Stephen
- Associate Professor, English
Research areas: Poetry and poetics, modernism, comparative literature -
Sachs, Jonathan
- Professor, English
Research areas: British Romantic period / relationship between literary & political discourse / reception of classical antiquity -
Sterns, Kate
- Associate Professor, English
status: Co-ordinator, Creative Writing ProgramResearch areas: creative writing / 19th century drama & literature / anatomical waxworks / botanical gardens / medical history -
Sze, Gillian
- Assistant Professor, English
Research areas: creative writing, poetry, hybrid forms, Contemporary Canadian literature -
Taher-Kermani, Reza
- Assistant Professor, 18th and 19th Century English Literature (LTA), English
Research areas: nineteenth-century English literature; medieval Persian poetry; empire and colonialism; Sufism and mystical traditions in Islam; translation studies -
Wershler, Darren
- Concordia University Research Chair, Media & Contemporary Literature, Tier 2, English
- Associate Professor, English
Research areas: media history / video game studies / communication studies / contemporary literature / avant-garde poetics -
Yeager, Stephen
- Professor, English
Research areas: medieval / manuscript studies / law & literature / Indigenous studies / digital culture / media archaeology / videogames
Part-time faculty
Bligh, Kate
- Part-time Faculty, School of Irish Studies
- Part-time Faculty, Theatre
- Part-time Faculty, English
- Part-time faculty, Education
- Part-time faculty, Applied Human Sciences
status: part-time professorResearch areas: Theatre director & acting teacher; dramaturgy and playwrighting; postcolonial/intercultural drama and performance; late C20th British & Irish playwrights; performance skills for public & professional figures. -
Gilchrist, Bruce
- Part-Time Faculty Member, English
- Part-Time Faculty Member, Liberal Arts College
Peters, Brian Mitchell
- Part-time faculty, PERC, Theatre
- Part-time faculty: literature, drama, composition , English
Research areas: Comparative studies, youth (sub)culture, music/performance culture, queer/gender theories, cinema and literature. -
Rozahegy, Mark
- Part-Time Faculty, English
- Part-Time Faculty, Liberal Arts College
- Part-Time Faculty, Philosophy
Research areas: 19th and 20th Century Continental, Existentialism, Phenomenology