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Dr. Maggie McDonnell, PhD

Pronouns: She/Her

  • Coordinator, Composition & Professional Writing, English

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Blair, K., & McDonnell, M. (2023). “Experiential Learning in Professional Writing and Editing.” STLHE 2023 Conference [presentation].

McDonnell, M. (2024). “Meaningful Feedback in the Online Learning Environment.” In Assessment of Online Learners: Foundations and Applications for Teacher Education, L. Hill and P. Seitz, Eds. Routledge.

McDonnell, M., & Reid, E. (Fall 2024). “Swerve & Shift: The Lived Experience of Canadian Faculty Teaching Through a Pandemic.” McGill Journal of Education.

McDonnell, M. (2022). “Who am I, Really? Reflections on developing professional identity as a Cégep teacher.” [Special forum]. McGill Journal of Education.

McDonnell, M. (January 2021). Authentic Assessment (webinar). All in This Together: Making the Most of a Remote Situation. Intercollegiate Ped Days, Montreal, Quebec.

McDonnell, M. (October 2020). Online Assessment (webinar). Presented at LaSalle College, Montreal, Quebec.

McDonnell, M. (2019). “Using feedback to build bridges to learning.” Vanier Academic Voices.

McDonnell, M. (August 2018). “Professional judgment in the evaluation of student achievement.” Making Assessment Count. Vanier College Professional Conference, Montreal, Quebec.

McDonnell, M. (October 2018). “How to give effective feedback.” Workshop presentation. Vanier College, Montreal, Quebec.

Shuman, L., Shabtay, A., McDonnell, M., El Muhammady, F., & Bourassa, N. (2018). Developing a Researcher Identity: Using Commonplace Books as a Reflective Process. The Qualitative Report, 23(6).

Doody, S., McDonnell, M., Reid, E. M., & Marshall, S. C. (2017). Doctoral Peer Writing Groups as a Means of Promoting Well-Being. Learning Landscapes,10(2).

Ingerman, J., & McDonnell, M. (2017, March 10). Feminism, Intersectionality, and Allyship. Presented at Lightning Talks, International Women's Week in Vanier College, Saint-Laurent.

McDonnell, M. (2017, March 25). Finding Myself in Methodology. Presented at Outside the Box: Educating to Change in Concordia University, Montreal.

McDonnell, M. (2017, April 11). Teacher Identity in Higher Education. Presented at Global Conference on Education, Research, and Policy, Washington, DC.

McDonnell, M. (2017, June 22). Establishing Meaningful Feedback through Dialogue Journals. Presented at STLHE 2017 in Dalhousie University, Halifax.

McDonnell, M. (July 2017). Meaningful Assessment through Reflexive Practice in Higher Education. Presented at Eduteach 2017, Toronto.

McDonnell, M. (2017). Finding Myself in Methodology. Canadian Journal for New Scholars in Education, 8(2).

McPherson, H., & McDonnell, M. (2017). Articulation between high school science and Cégep science post-reform: Understanding the gap. College Quarterly, 20(1).

McDonnell, M. (2016, September 1). Failure as an event [Video]. YouTube.

McDonnell, M. (2016, August 4). The academic F-word: Why is school the last place we feel free to fail?. Presented at Learn Real Good: Real Experts Inspire Real Improv Scenes in Montreal Improv, Montreal.

McDonnell, M. (2016, March 31). Fitness & The Academy. Poster presented at Education Graduate Students' Society Conference in McGill University, Montreal.

McDonnell, M. (2016, October 15). Pedagogical Flexibility: What I learned about the college classroom from the yoga mat. Presented at Artful Inquiry Symposium in McGill University, Montreal.

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