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FEBRUARY 13: Severe weather warning in effect – remote work encouraged.

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FEBRUARY 13: Severe weather warning in effect – remote work encouraged.

Student resources

Grading Norms

Starting with the Summer 2023 session, the Department of English will employ the following grading norms in all its courses, unless the instructor specifies alternative norms on their syllabus.

A = Superior

B = Above Average

C = Satisfactory

D = Basic

F = Inadequate


Percent Grade    Grade Points

90-100 A+           4.30

85-89    A             4.00

80-84    A-           3.70

77-79    B+           3.30

73-76    B             3.00

70-72    B-            2.70

67-69    C+           2.30

63-66    C             2.00

60-62    C-            1.70

57-59    D+           1.30

53-56    D             1.00

50-52    D-           0.70

0-49      F, FNS     0

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