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David Ward

Sina Queyras

Pronouns: They/Them

Thesis supervisor Accepting inquiries

  • Professor, English

Thesis supervision details

Supervised program: English (MA)

Research areas: writing across genres / climate change / eco-poetics / feminism utopian & dystopian narratives

Contact information



MA Concordia

BFA University of British Columbia

I am interested in and publish writing in a number of genres including poetry, prose, memoir and essay, as well as writing that crosses and challenges genres. I am particularly interested in work that addresses difficult concepts and attempts to address them in innovative ways. I have curated Writers Read for more than a decade and prior to that co-curated Belladonna Reading Series in New York. Questions of performance and literary curation are of ongoing concern

Research and teaching interests

Prose, Poetry, mMemoir & Essay Writing
Writing Across Genres
Contemporary Poetry
Climate Change, Feminist Futures
Curating the Literary Event

Rooms: Women Writing Woolf

Coach House Books, 2022

Expressay by Sina Queyras (book cover)

Coach House Books, 2009

Teaching activities


ENGL 224: Introduction toCreative Process         

ENGL 225: Introduction toPoetry

ENGL 226: Introduction toFiction

ENGL 342: Advanced Fiction

ENGL 348: Advanced Poetry

ENGL 415/671: Curating& Archiving the Literary Event

ENGL 423: LiteraryWriting, Editing, & Production
ENGL 427: Conceptual Writing

ENGL 672: Graduate Poetry

ENGL 673: Hybrid Writing

ENGL 674: Graduate Prose
ENGL 679: Fiction Topics

Research activities

Wriing Beyond The Room

SocialSciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, Insight Grant, “WritingBeyond the

   Room,” 2019-2021 ($56,000), PI: Sina Queyras

Selected publications

Rooms: Women, Writing, Woolf, Coach House Books, 2022
My Ariel, Coach House Books, 2017
MxT: Coach House Books, 2014.
Autobiography of Childhood, Toronto: Coach House Books, 2011.
Unleashed, Toronto: BookThug, 2009.
Expressway, Toronto: Coach House Books, 2009.
Lemon Hound, Toronto: Coach House Books, 2006.           
Open Field: 30 Contemporary Canadian Poets, ed. New York: Persea Books, 2005.
Teeth Marks, Toronto: Nightwood Editions, 2004.
Slip, Toronto: ECW Press, 2001. 

Recent journal publications

“They,A Euphoria,” Accute, Fall 2024.

“AQuestion,” The Capilano Review, Fall 2022.

“How Sylvia Plath Calls Outfor Connection,” Lit Hub, 11 April 2022.

“Joan, If You Can,” BrickLiterary, Spring 2022.

Critical writing

Participation activities

Conference papers / readings / talks

Selected Recent Readings

Other activities

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