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Dr. Jessica Bardill

  • Associate Professor, English

Research areas: Indigenous studies, Indigenous literatures, bioethics, American Literature, Contemporary Canadian Literature

Contact information



Ph. D.             Duke University, Department of English,Durham, NC


B.A./B.S.        Emory University, English, with High Honors, and Biology


Postdoctoral Work

Stanford University, Stanford,CA                                                                 

Lecturer, Thinking Matters Program, Stanford Introductory Studies

Teaching Fellow, Stanford Center for Biomedical Ethics, Stanford Medical Center


University of Illinois,Urbana-Champaign

Chancellor’s Postdoctoral Fellowship in American Indian Studies                                

Teaching activities

Courses Taught at Concordia

ENGL 603/801 – Intersectionality and Identity in Literature

ENGL660 – Indigenous Literatures of so-called Canada & U.S.                

ENGL 377 – Contemporary Canadian Fiction  

ENGL381 – Literature of Ethnic America                                                 

ENGL 380 – FirstNations/North American Native Literature           

ENGL 391 - Studies in Literature and Science          



Selected Publications

“Advancing the Ethics of Paleogenomics”, JessicaBardill, Alyssa C. Bader, Nanibaa’ A. Garrison, Deborah A. Bolnick, Jennifer A. Raff, Alexa Walker, RipanS. Malhi, and the SING Consortium. Science.27 April 2018. Vol. 360, Issue 6387, pp. 384-385.

“Comparing Tribal Research and Specimens Policies: Models, Practices, and Principles”, International Indigenous Policy Journal, Vol. 8, Issue 4, November 2017.

“Ancestors and Identities: DNA,Genealogy, and Stories”, chapter in Handbook of Biology and Society. Maurizio Meloni, John Cromby, Des Fitzgerald, andStephanie Lloyd, editors. Palgrave Macmillan, anticipated publication Fall2017.


 “New Words and Old Stories: Indigenous Teachings in Health Care and Bioethics”, Open Peer Commentary with Nanibaa’Garrison, American Journal of Bioethics(AJOB). Vol. 16, Issue 5 (May 2016), pp. 50-52.


 “Naming Indigenous Concerns, Framing Considerations for Stored Biospecimens”, Open Peer Commentary with Nanibaa’ Garrison in American Journal of Bioethics(AJOB). Vol. 15, Issue 9 (August 2015). pp.73-5.


 “Genetic Ancestry Testing,” in International Encyclopedia of Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2nd edition.  Co-authored with Nanibaa’ A. Garrison. Graciela Cabana, sectioned. 2015.



 “Ethical, Legal, and Social Implications(ELSI) of Native American DNA” in Annual Review of Anthropology, Volume 43, September 2014. pp. 155-166.


“Identity as Socially Constructed: An Objection to Individual Change” in American Journal of Bioethics: Neuroscience, Open Peer Commentary, Issue 5, Vol. 1.,January 2014,

pp. 19-20.


American Indian & Alaska Natives Genetics Resource Center, National Congress of American Indians (NCAI),launched June 2012.


“Limited Uses of Genetic Testingfor Tribal Enrollment”;


“Tribal Enrollment and GeneticTesting”;


“Tribal Sovereignty and EnrollmentDeterminations”;


Exhibit Curator and Documentary Producer


Leaving Home, Building Community:Triad Native American History, Presence, and Continuance.  Co-curated with Nora Dial-Stanley (Lumbee),community engaged research including return of results in the form of a gallery exhibit and a 46-minute documentary film.

    Guilford Native American Art Gallery, Greensboro Cultural Center ,Greensboro, NC.

Fall, 2016.


Reviews, Commentaries ,and Other Writing


Review essay of Progressive Traditions: Identity in Cherokee Literature and Culture by Joshua Nelson, Sovereign Stories: Aesthetics, Autonomy, and Native American Writing by Padraig Kirwan, and Settler Common Sense: Queerness and Everyday Colonialism by Mark Rifkin. Submitted to American Literature, Vol. 88, No. 1 (March 2016).


Review of That the Blood Stay Pure: African Americans, Native Americans, and the Predicament of Race and Identity in Virginia in Native American and Indigenous Studies (NAIS) Journal, Volume 3,Issue 1, Spring 2016.


Review of Islands of Decolonial Love: Stories and Songs by Leanne Simpson in As/Us: A Space for Women of the World, Issue4, pp. 214-216. Fall 2014.


“How Can Polyamory Teach Us to be Better Professionals; Or, How I Learned to Love and Be Loved by Many Colleagues”, guest contribution to the Critical Polyamorist blog (


Review of Native American DNA: Tribal Belonging and the False Promise of Genetic Science by Kim TallBear in Native American and Indigenous Studies (NAIS) Journal, Volume 1, Issue 2, pp.192-194, Fall 2014.


“Parts, Transmission, and Remains: How Blood Makes and is Made into Life”, review of Blood: The Stuff of Life by Lawrence Hill in American Journal of Bioethics (AJOB), July 2014 ( in print, Volume 15, Issue 1, pp. W1-W2, January 2015.


Review essay of Native Acts: Law, Recognition, and Cultural Authenticity by Joanne Barker and Domestic Subject: Gender, Citizenship, and Law in Native American Literature by Beth Piatote. American Literature, DukeUniversity UP, Spring 2014, pp. 201-203.

Review essay of Spaces Between Us: Queer Settler Colonialism and Indigenous Decolonization, Queer Indigenous Studies: Critical Interventions in Theory, Politics, and Literature and Sovereign Erotics: A Collection of Two-Spirit Literature in make/shift:feminisms in motion, online . Issue 13, Spring/Summer2013.

 “Information and Misinformation Already Had: DNA and Tribal Citizenship.” GeneWatch, Council for Responsible Genetics, Vol. 23, Issue 3 (May-June 2010), pp.8-9, 26.

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