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Mark Rozahegy, PhD

  • Part-Time Faculty, Philosophy
  • Part-Time Faculty, English
  • Part-Time Faculty, Liberal Arts College

Research areas: 19th and 20th Century Continental, Existentialism, Phenomenology

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Areas of specialization

20th century Continental Philosophy, Existentialism and Phenomenology, 20th century literary theory (in the English Department at Concordia)

Current research interests

Heidegger's engagement with Aristotelian Metaphysics and the development of his phenomenology; currently teaching classes on Being and Time and on the early lectures from which this text originated.

In August 2005, Dr. Rozahegy completed an FRQSC Post-doctoral Fellowship in the Philosophy Department at McGill University. The project compared the ways in which the existentialisms of Kierkegaard and Nietzsche, the existential phenomenology of Heidegger, and Derridean deconstruction grow out of an engagement with—and reassessment of—the relationship between possibility and actuality that lies at the heart of Aristotelian metaphysics.

Dr. Mark Rozahegy received a PhD. in Interdisciplainry Studies from Concordia University in 2003; his thesis, entitled Between Being and Having: Incarnation and Corporeity in Marcel, Merleau-Ponty, Artaud, and Hejduk, is an interdisciplinary investigation into the irreducible difference that resides at the heart of our experience of corporeality—the fact that one experiences one's body as both something that one is and something that one has. The dissertation focuses on how Gabriel Marcel uses the distinction between being and having to investigate the nature of bodily reality in his existential philosophy. Drawing on this explication of Marcel's work, the thesis then investigates the central role that this distinction plays in Merleau-Ponty's phenomenological investigations into embodiment, in Antonin Artaud's corporeal poetics and theatre of cruelty, and in John Hejduk's architectural projects.

Most recently, Dr. Rozahegy organized a panel at the Existential and Phenomological Theory and Culture (EPTC) Conference in 2006 entitled Thinking and Gratitude: from Plato to Marion and, as part of the panel, presented a paper on the relationship between thanking and gratitude in the works of Plato, Heidegger, and Derrida. In the previous year, Dr. Rozahegy presented a paper entitled Possibility, Potentiality, and Actuality: Aristotle and Existentialism.

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