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Courses: 2025-2026

Note that, in case of disagreement in terms of course location or time between this site and your class schedule, your class schedule is correct. Please contact the College to report errors or in case of any questions or comments.

Please select the program of interest from the list below to see what courses are on offer in the 2025-2026 academic year.

Due to the limitation in the number of courses we can offer every year, the following LOYC courses listed in the Undergraduate Calendar are not offered this year and likely will not be offered next year:

  • LOYC 201: The Idea of Modernity
  • LOYC 202: What is the Environment?
  • LOYC 210: The 20th Century
  • LOYC 310: Science and the Contemporary World
  • LOYC 350: Internship in Sustainability. To get credit for internships, students can take LOYC 420
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