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Carol Lee Price MA Scholarships in Philosophy

Carol Lee Price Carol Lee Price

These Scholarships are named in honour and memory of Carol Lee Price, who was born in Cleveland in 1944, raised in Los Angeles, and moved to UC Berkeley as an undergraduate in 1960. She was active in the early days of the Free Speech Movement and lived most of her adult life in and around Berkeley. Carol was friends with several accomplished novelists, philosophers, and legal scholars. She had a keen interest in mathematics and philosophy, was a dancer, and maintained a life-long interest in performing arts.

The Carol Lee Price Scholarships are specifically intended to attract and support women pursuing graduate studies in philosophy. They are also restricted to students who would otherwise have to pay international fees. (Students who pay tuition at the Quebec rate or Canadian rate, or who have been granted an International Fee Exemption, are not eligible for these scholarships.) Each scholarship is worth $46,235 CAD.


All applicants shall be female, international students who pay tuition at the international rate and who have responded to a worldwide call for the application, according to the terms specified below. Students who pay tuition at the Quebec rate or Canadian rate, or students who are eligible, at the time of application, for an International Fee Exemption (as specified by applicable regulations of Québec Ministère de l’Éducation et de l’Enseignement supérieur (MEES)) are not eligible.

Scholarships are to be awarded to candidates who have a demonstrated interdisciplinary background and training that would bring fresh perspectives to their own study of philosophy and to the intellectual life of the Department of Philosophy (the “Department”) and the University. Examples of this interdisciplinary perspective include but are not limited to: combining areas in philosophy such as logic with background and training in mathematics; ancient philosophy with background or training in Classics; philosophical work in human rights or social justice with background or training in law or economics; work in philosophy of science with background or training in biology; or work in aesthetics or philosophy of art with background or training in arts.

How to apply

In addition to the regular Philosophy Master's admissions application (see admission requirements), applicants shall provide a two-page research project that demonstrates an interdisciplinary perspective of the sort described above. Applicants must also secure support from a prospective supervisor in the Department, in the form of a letter of nomination that appraises the applicant’s project and record regarding the above aims of the award.

Deadline for Applications: February 1, together with the regular admissions application.

For additional information, please contact our Graduate Program Director, Department of Philosophy, Concordia University, Montreal, at

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