Journal Gnosis
GNOSIS is a journal of philosophy published by Graduate students within the Department of Philosophy. The journal offers a vibrant contribution to our Department, as it acts as a hub of discussion, and provides great opportunities for Graduate students to get involved in academic publishing.
Founded in 1973, Gnosis existed exclusively in print format for many years. The journal is currently undergoing a rejuvenation as the editors strive to make its content more accessible, for example by implementing an ISSUU-based presentation and using Twitter. Gnosis has provided students with an opportunity to gain exposure of their works in the public sphere. Most submissions to the journal come from Graduate students, but exceptional Undergraduate work is also welcomed. The journal follows a blind peer-review procedure to ensure fair and anonymous assessment of all submissions. Gnosis is committed to maintaining a high standard of philosophical rigor and quality with its publications. It also works with the Graduate Philosophy Students' Association (GPSA) to publish a select summer conference issue, showcasing high-quality work from the annual GPSA conference.
During the Fall, elections are held for the two main positions with Gnosis (Editor-in-Chief and Managing Editor); Graduate students are also encouraged to act as reviewers for work in their areas of interest which is a valuable experience for the future. It takes a collaborative effort to ensure the success of our journal.
Click below for more information and for previous issues of GNOSIS.