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Graduate funding

There are many funding opportunities for graduate students, including:

  • Departmental teaching and research assistantships
  • Concordia University awards and fellowships
  • Opportunities Through Research Centers/Networks
  • Federal and Provincial funding through the SSHRC and FQRSC programs, respectively. For specific application requirements, please visit the graduate funding section of the Concordia website.
  • Financial Aid programs are also available to graduate students. Learn more.

Departmental Teaching Assistantships: Open semester competitions

All current graduate students and new applicants are encouraged to apply for teaching assistantships.  PhD receive teaching assistantships for the first three years of their program as part of their funding packages. MPPPA students will be funded as far as possible, but typically are not considered beyond the second year of study in the program. 

The department offers two levels of teaching assistantship.

  • GRADE 1 – Tutorial Leader                                                        

    Grade 1 Teaching Assistants are required to perform a 130 hours of marking during the term and may be called upon to grade final examinations.  In addition to 130 hours of marking. Grade 1 Teaching Assistants are required to attend lectures, lead seminars and to hold regular office hours during the term.

  • GRADE 2: Tutorial Leader

    Grade 2 Teaching Assistants are required to perform 130 hours of marking during the term and may be called upon to grade final examinations.  In addition to 130 hours of marking, Grade 2 Teaching Assistants are required to attend lectures and to hold regular office hours during the term.




The following list only highlights some of the available funding for graduate students at Concordia. For a more comprehensive list of funding opportunities, including deadlines for application, please consult the School of Graduate Studies Graduate Awards Directory.

Special Entrance Awards and Awards of Excellence

Offered to students who accept their offer of admission to Concordia and have received a fellowship/scholarship offer from one of the designated provincial or federal agencies (SSHRC or FQRSC). At the doctoral level, students receive a Special Entrance Award valued at $10,000 in the first year of tenure of their external award. At the master’s level, students receive a Special Entrance Award valued at $6,000 in the first year of tenure of their external award.

Faculty of Arts and Science Fellowships

The Faculty of Arts and Science offers, on a competitive basis, recruitment fellowships to incoming students valued at up to $7000 for one year in MA programs and $12,000 per year for three years at the PhD level. In addition, graduate students are eligible to hold teaching assistantships through their departments and to work as research assistants with faculty members and research centers in the Faculty.

Concordia University International Tuition Fee Remission Awards

This award exempts students from paying tuition fees at the international student rates, however candidates will be expected to pay tuition fees at the regular (Quebec) rate, as well as foreign insurance. These awards are valued at 11.25 credits per term.

Concordia University Open-Competition

There is an Open Competition for select awards for which all students are eligible. These awards range in value from $2,500 to $20,000 per year, and are granted based on the applicant’s ranking in the competition.

Supplemental Funds for Conferences

Funds are available to registered graduate students for presentations at major scholarly conferences, or artistic exhibitions in a peer-reviewed or juried context. Download the Department of Political Science Travel Support Form here. Deadlines are announced during the academic year. Learn more about conference funding & download forms.





Antoine Bilodeau and Mebs Kanji are members of the Centre for the Study of Democratic Citizenship, a FRQSC regroupement stratégique , that brings together a group of scholars from five Québec universities, who work on research related to democratic citizenship. The purpose of the Centre is to develop interdisciplinary and multiple methodological perspectives in the study of challenges that democracies face in a rapidly changing world.

The Centre’s main goals are to promote scientific research on fundamental questions relating to democratic citizenship, to contribute to policy debates on strengthening democracy both in Canada and abroad, to take a leadership role in the development of large-scale cross-national research projects, and to provide an enriched training environment for graduate students and postdoctoral fellows.

Graduate students working under the supervision of Professor Bilodeau or Professor Kanji can become student members of the CSDC and hence be eligible for various sources of funding, including travel grant, training grants, and research grants,

For more information about these funding opportunities please contact Professor Bilodeau or Professor Kanji or visit the CSDC website:




FQRSC (Provincial)

All applications and recommendation letters MUST be submitted electronically to FQRSC and applicants must submit a cover page, the official transcripts, copy of medicare card, as well as the copy of IMM1000 (for Permanent residents only), to the Graduate Awards Office (M-205) in mid-October. Please check the FQRSC website for this years deadline. At the time of application, a candidate must be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident and have been a resident of Quebec for at least one year. Both master’s and doctoral students are eligible.

Note: The MA competition requires a minimum 3.7 cumulative GPA.

M.A. (B-1 competition)             $15,000

Duration: Two years after initial registration in the graduate program.

Ph.D. (B-2 competition)           $20,000

Duration:  To a maximum of three years.

SSHRC (National)

Applications to SSHRC must be submitted to the Department if the student is currently registered at Concordia. Those submitted through the University are first ranked at the Departmental level, and then sent to a University Committee where a set number of applications are chosen to send on to national competition. Applicants must be Canadian citizens or landed immigrants.

For the MA fellowship, GPA must be 3.7 or over for the last two years of full-time study.

M.A. Scholarship Value: $17,500

Deadline for Submission to the Department: mid-October. Confirm specific date with Graduate Program Assistant.

Doctoral Fellowship Value: $20,000 - $35,000. (The top-ranked winners are awarded “Canada Graduate Scholarships,” worth $35,000 per year, for three years; the regular doctoral fellowships are worth $20,000 per year, for up to four years).

Deadline for Submission to the Department: mid-October. Confirm specific date with Graduate Program Assistant.


There are no opportunities avalible at the moment. Please check back on this page.


Elsewehere in the Faculty of Arts and Science

Opportunities in the Azrieli Institute of Israel Studies:


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