How are you applying your degree in Psychology from Concordia? The Child and Adolescent Mental Health Care program provides assessment and treatment to youth under the age of 18 who primarily internalize mental health difficulties. As an Adjunct Clinical Faculty Member with the Clinical Psychology Graduate Program and a Lecturer with the Department of Psychiatry, Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry, at Western University, I supervise clinical students and residents, and am also involved in program development, evaluation, and clinical research. My current research focuses on improving access to effective treatments for mental health disorders in children and youth, e-mental health applications and strategies to reduce wait times for children's mental health services.
What do you value most from your experience in the Psychology program? The strong clinical and research foundations that Concordia provided. We often discussed the value of being a scientist-practitioner, but I did not fully appreciate its worth until I started working as a psychologist in a clinical setting. I appreciate that I am able to conduct comprehensive literature reviews and summarize best practices, develop and evaluate novel programs to deliver mental health care in more effective ways, and use these results to improve clinical practice in my setting and contribute to the research literature.
Is there a particular memory that stands out from your time at Concordia? The lab trip to Quebec City was frigid, but we had a blast riding down the ice slide on a rickety toboggan. We often did things together as a class, program and lab. The Psychology program was home for many years and the people there were family.
What advice would you give to someone considering graduate studies in a Psychology program? Sometimes, the fear of not doing well can hold you back. Anyone considering graduate studies in a Psychology program should challenge their anxiety and perfectionism by trying new things and understanding that it is okay not to be great at first. You will learn and get better!