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Support and advising

Amanda and Karen's virtual help for general questions

Mondays: 10:00 – 11:00 am
Tuesdays: 2:30 – 3:30 pm

Major students and Specialization students (without PSYC/NEUR 485)

Your academic advisor is Kim Archer. Please either attend a virtual drop-in session or book an appointment.

Drop-in advising via Zoom for quick questions (max 10 minutes):

  • Wednesdays 10:00 am – 12:00 pm and 2:00 pm – 3:30 pm
  • Fridays 10:00 am – 12:00 pm

Scheduled Appointments:

  • Mondays [virtual in TEAMS]
  • Tuesdays & Thursdays [in-person (PY 119.02) or virtual in TEAMS, as you prefer]

Newly admitted students

Attendance of a New Student Orientation session is mandatory and must be completed before you can enroll for classes. You will be eligible to participate in the session as soon as you confirm your admission and pay the admission confirmation deposit. Once your admission is confirmed, you will receive an email with instructions to register for orientation and the Faculty of Arts and Science Touchstone as well.

Kindly monitor your email for communications sent by the department. All communications will be sent to your preferred email address – the address where you receive emails from the University, as it appears in your Student Hub.

For information on transfer of credits from another program, please see the section below on FAS request forms.

Current Psychology/Neuroscience students

Note that several of the forms below are PDFs. You can fill out a PDF form by downloading the file and following these instructions. This will work with any version of Adobe Acrobat, including the free Acrobat Reader, but not a web browser or preview application.

Students currently enrolled in a Psychology or Neuroscience program who wish to change their program concentration (Major, Specialization, Honours) while maintaining their degree type (BA, BSc) can do so by submitting the appropriate form linked below. Please be sure to read all of the information on the form and note the current submission deadlines.

Current Psychology students need to complete an MS Forms Request to be considered for PSYC courses that require departmental permission (except the advance experience courses).

The request form for taking PSYC 311 will be available to receive requests once the 2025-2026 schedule is live.

Documents for PSYC 387, 483, 485, 487 and 495

FAS (Faculty of Arts and Science) student request forms

Fill out the FAS Admission Transfer Credit form and submit the form, the syllabi for your courses relevant to your degree, and a copy of your unofficial transcript from the previous school, to

For BA students: submit any PSYC, BIOL, MATH and the equivalent of 6 Concordia credits worth of courses from departments outside of the sciences for the general education requirement.

For BSc students: submit any PSYC and other science department courses, as well as 6 credits worth of non-science courses for the general education requirement.

These FAS student requests must be submitted through E Forms via the student hub portal.

How to submit an E Form

For additional information, requirements, and instructions, please see student requests on the FAS pages.

Professor’s note form for late withdrawal (DNE & DISC)

All other FAS student requests are processed through the Faculty of Arts and Science Student Request Form which must be submitted through

Make sure to include all backup documentation listed on the form to go with your request, including your unofficial transcript/student record.

For additional information, requirements, and instructions, please see student requests on the FAS pages.

How to View/Print Unofficial Transcript (computer)

How to view/print unofficial transcript (mobile)

Non-Psychology/Neuroscience students

Looking to enter a Psychology or Neuroscience program? Sign up for one of our information sessions.

There are two paths that students who are currently in a Concordia degree program can take to enter a Psychology or Neuroscience program: (1) change of concentration or (2) internal degree transfer.

(Note that if you are not in a Concordia degree program and you wish to be admitted to a Psychology or Neuroscience program, you must apply through the admissions process).

You will remain in the same degree type but change your concentration (eg, Change from BA History to BA Psychology, or BSc Biology to BSc Neuroscience.) Applications can only be submitted starting October 1st. Please consult the Psychology info sheet or the Neuroscience info sheet for admission requirements & info session dates.

The internal degree transfer applies to Concordia students who are enrolled in a degree program and wish to transfer degrees to enter a program in Psychology or Neuroscience (eg, change from a BSc program to a BA in Psychology; or BComm, BEd, BComp, BEng, or BFA program to a BSc in Neuroscience).

Please consult the information sheet for admission requirements and information session dates.

Note that the Department of Psychology is no longer accepting applications for a Minor in Psychology.

Non-Psychology/Neuroscience students taking individual PSYC/NEUR courses

The override procedure for students in other programs who wish to take a PSYC/NEUR course at the 300-level involves submission of an e-form. For the e-form, you need to know the section number of the course you wish to take. Please do not come in person for an override.

Note the following:

  • PSYC 311, 387, and all 400-level courses are unavailable to students outside of Psychology/Neuroscience.
  • There are no guarantees of availability as students in the Psychology and Neuroscience programs have priority. We cannot help you if a class is waitlisted or closed.
  • We typically allow a maximum of one 300-level PSYC/NEUR course per student per semester.


The e-form will be available as of Thursday, January 9 at 1:00 pm. You fill out the form once per course that you want in ranked order with your first choice being your first form entry. Please be sure to fill out your email and student ID correctly as they are needed to give permission and contact you.

Starting Monday January 13, at least once per day, we will look at the requests for courses that have enough space and grant permission where possible. We will keep checking daily until the DNE deadline. You will be contacted by email only if you are given permission to register for a course.

We strongly suggest registering in other courses as backup and that you don’t count on an override in case the course you want is not available. You can make changes to your schedule once permission is granted since we will not register for you.

If a class is closed, you can still fill the form in case it opens, but keep in mind that we cannot let in more students into a closed or waitlisted course.

It is your responsibility to ensure that there are no issues that would prevent you from registering in the course, such as account holds, time conflicts, credit limits, etc. If you drop a course but then cannot register in one of ours, we cannot help you get back into the one you dropped.


Additional support

The Undergraduate Program Office for Psychology students is open from 10:00 am – 4:00 pm Mondays to Fridays.

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