Three Approaches to Writing School Programs with Official Language Minorities
Recorded at a QUESCREN Lunch & Learn webinar on October 13, 2023
Raphaël Gani examines how official language minority community perspectives are integrated into the writing of school history curricula, comparing the approaches used in Quebec, Alberta, and Ontario.
Key Takeaways
Official language minority communities have the right to school programs that adequately represent their perspectives and concerns, according to jurisprudence relating to Section 23 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
Quebec is doingless to integrate Anglophone perspectives into its school curriculum than Alberta and Ontario are doing for Francophones.
When minority communities have limited input in the writing of education programs, they are more likely to challenge the final program.
Strategic Implications
Dr. Gani proposes the Government of Quebec consider following the example of other provinces and take proactive measures to enhance the input of the English-speaking minority in Quebec’s history education program development.
Raphaël Gani is an Assistant Professor of History Education at Université Laval, whose projects link educational rights, school curricula, and the concept of legitimacy.
How to cite this video: Gani, Raphaël. “Three Approaches to Writing School Programs with Official Language Minorities: Quebec, Ontario, Alberta.” Lunch & Learn webinar produced by the Quebec English-Speaking Communities Research Network (QUESCREN), Concordia University, Montreal, October 13, 2023.
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About QUESCREN Lunch & Learns
QUESCREN is a collaborative network of researchers, community members and institutions that provides opportunities to promote the understanding and vitality of English-speaking Quebec. Our Lunch & Learn series consists of one-hour webinars on research topics related to English-speaking Quebec.