Girouxville, Alberta
Site Number: 27
CSD (1991): 4819048
Principal Researcher(s): Peter Apedaile
Assistant Researcher(s): n/a
Located in northern Alberta, Girouxville's industry is mostly in clerical, sales, processing and fabricating (62%) with a small portion in farming (6%). The population (349) has decreased by 5% in the past few years. The labour force participation rate is 68% and 4% in the community are below LICO.
These documents summarize the work completed and insights gained from updating Economic Capacity Profiles for the New Rural Economy2 (NRE2) sites. The initial set of Profiles was based on the 1996 Census and 2001 NRE site profiles data. The updated Profiles are based on 2001 Census data and 2003 NRE site profiles data.
On the map