Springhill, Nova Scotia
Site Number: 5
CSD (1991): 1211008
Principal Researcher(s): David Bruce
Assistant Researcher(s): n/a
Located on the western part of Nova Scotia, close to New Brunswick, Springhill has most of its industry in tertiary sectors (64%). The community's population (4373) has decreased by 7% in recent years. The labour force participation rate is 54%, the unemployment rate is 20%, and 14% in the community are below LICO.
Major events & stories
- Springhill is defined by tragedy & accomplishments. Three mine disasters (1891, 1956, 1958) took the lives of 239 men & boys. The Carnegie Hero Fund Commission awarded a Gold medal to the community for heroic efforts undertaken in the 1958 mine disaster. The award is unique in that individuals are generally recognized. Citizens take pride in the award.
- The Main Street business section has been levelled by fire 4 times (1895, 1896, 1957 & 1975) & this has contributed to economic problems. Springhill takes pride in firsts such as:
- First legalized trade union in Canadian collieries (?) formed in 1879.
- The first Children's Aid Society in Nova Scotia in 1912.
- The first Canadian soldier to be decorated in the Second World War - Tony Condy
- The first person to win 3 consecutive North American Fiddling championships - Johnny Mooring
- The first female Canadian artist to earn an American Gold Record - Anne Murray
- First legalized trade union in Canadian collieries (?) formed in 1879.
These documents summarize the work completed and insights gained from updating Economic Capacity Profiles for the New Rural Economy2 (NRE2) sites. The initial set of Profiles was based on the 1996 Census and 2001 NRE site profiles data. The updated Profiles are based on 2001 Census data and 2003 NRE site profiles data.
- Use of the Internet by Volunteer Groups in Rural Canada: The Case of Springhill, NS
- Communication Tools and Resources in Rural Canada: A Report for Springhill, Nova Scotia
- Service Provision in Rural and Small Town Places: A Report for Springhill, Nova Scotia
- Communication Tools and Resources in Rural Canada: Springhill
On the map