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Cross-Cultural Management

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Course code
CEBU 1160
40 hours
Montréal is truly a cosmopolitan city, with highly diverse cultures coming together in the workplace and people from here travelling abroad to work. It's a vital source of enrichment, but it's also one that has its challenges. You might already be familiar with them. If that's the case, this is the perfect course. In it, you'll learn about the cultural dimensions involved in managing a diverse work setting, integrating into a foreign work setting, communicating with foreign business associates effectively and with sensitivity, and successfully navigating culture shock and the related stress when you return home. In short, you'll learn about respect, and that's a vital asset in any organization.

Upcoming date(s)

There are no upcoming dates at this time.

Your takeaways

This course is a great way to help you:
• Train, motivate and lead in a diverse workplace setting;
• Prepare for work in a company with opportunities to conduct business abroad;
• Employ appropriate and effective communication styles, given specific cultural contexts;
• Negotiate effectively in a cross-cultural teams or settings;
• Heighten awareness of cultural differences in working abroad;
• Anticipate and control for culture shock in the workplace.

Our approach

As in the workplace, teamwork is key here. Sure, there will be engaging assignments and activities, but you'll also form ad-hoc teams to discuss real-world subjects presented by business experts. You'll formulate strategies to solve problems or seize opportunities. Above all, you'll have ample chance to contribute personally to the process. This course is designed with a combination of online live synchronous learning where the instructor and the students meet in a virtual classroom (Zoom) at the same time, and asynchronous work guided by the instructor and completed by students in their own time.

Who benefits the most?

• Students who want an introduction to managing diversity in the workplace.
• Anyone working in or considering a career in HR or employee training.
• Students who want to pursue a career in any type of business.
• Students or employees who are planning a move to a new culture.
• Public speakers who want to better understand culturally diverse audiences.
• Anyone who has to negotiate with people from another culture.
• Foreign business-students who want to improve their North American business culture.
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