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Evolving through upskilling

Why is upskilling vital to sustained success?

The approach businesses adopt in the face of technological advancement plays an integral role in the long-term success of their operations. These evolving technologies test your organization’s agility and responsiveness, revealing proficiencies or deficiencies in such areas. 

As skill gaps emerge and widen, companies are tempted to close them quickly through external support. However, the most effective and sustainable approach is to develop training programs that cultivate growth from within.

Providing your staff with opportunities for professional growth helps to inspire and motivate them while ensuring their satisfaction and retention. Therefore, creating a thorough upskilling plan demonstrates your commitment to the long-term success of your workforce. Moreover, 94 per cent of employees polled for LinkedIn’s Workplace Learning Report said they would stay at a company longer if it invested in their career.

Benefits for employers

  • Increase productivity and maximize results by unlocking the full potential of your staff 
  • Remain competitive by addressing your team’s skill gaps
  • Boost morale and employee retention by making your staff feel valued
  • Attract skilled young professionals and top graduates by offering them an enticing roadmap for career progression
  • Reduce external recruitment costs

Benefits for employees

  • Improve your career prospects by acquiring new skills
  • Outpace your competition by learning how to effectively respond to technological advancement and keep pace with evolving industry trends
  • Accelerate your professional development by engaging in new learning opportunities
  • Boost your capacity for continuous learning 
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