Missing works

Artist: Kessel the Elder, Jan van (Flemish, 1626-1679)
Title: Study of different birds, frogs, lizards, snakes and human figures
Date: unknown
Medium: oil on panel
Dimensions: 47 x 62 cm
Inscriptions: unknown
- Collection Bernhard Lersch, Aachen, before 1911
- His sale, Aachen, Lempertz, 26/28 October 1911, lot 100;
- With Max Stern, Dusseldorf;
- Where bought by Otto Hirschmann, Amsterdam, April 1936.
Exhibitions: unknown
Notes: unknown

Artist: Key, Adriaen Thomasz.
(Dutch, 1544-1589)
Title: Portrait of a Bearded Man
Date: unknown
Medium: Oil on panel
Dimensions: 48 x 34 cm
Inscriptions: unknown
Provenance: unknown
Exhibitions: unknown
Notes: unknown

Artist: Knibbergen, François
(ca. 1596-1674)
Title: Landscape with figures and water mill/Landschaft mit Figuren
Date: unknown
Medium: oil on wood
Dimensions: 33 x 40 cm
Inscriptions: unknown
Provenance: unknown
Exhibitions: unknown
Notes: unknown

Artist: Koerbecke, Johann (German, c. 1420-1490)
Title: The Annunciation
Date: unknown
Medium: Oil on panel
Dimensions: 94 x 77 cm
Inscriptions: unknown
- Loeb-Caldenhof collection, Hamm, Germany. In Max Stern’s possession in 1936. Sold by the Galerie Bammann, Düsseldorf to Kunsthandel Pieter de Boer, Amsterdam in 1936. Subsequently sold to the Alte Pinakothek, Munich in 1938.
Exhibitons: unknown
- This painting was on the reverse of Koerbecke’s Vision of St. Bernand. Stern had a restorer separate the two paintings.
- The verso of a photograph at the RKD includes the notations “Rheinischer Privatbesitz” and “Stern VII. 36. ”
- Mentioned in Gisela Goldberg and Gisela Scheffler, Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlungen Alte Pinakothek, München, Gemäldekatalog: Altdeutsche Gemälde: Köln und Nordwestdeutschland, 1972, pp. 180-183, plate 107.

Artist: Koerbecke (German, c. 1420-1490)
Title: Vision of St. Bernard
Date: unknown
Medium: Oil on panel
Dimensions: 94 x 77 cm
Inscriptions: unknown
- Loeb-Caldenhof collection, Hamm, Germany. In Max Stern’s possession in 1936. Sold by the Galerie Bammann, Düsseldorf to Kunsthandel Pieter de Boer, Amsterdam in 1936. Subsequently sold to the Alte Pinakothek, Munich in 1938.
Exhibitions: unknown
- A photograph of this painting at the RKD includes the notation “Stern VII 36” on the verso.
- Photograph included in the Max Stern fonds (Box 19, File 4), National Gallery of Canada Library and Archives.
- Mentioned in Gisela Goldberg and Gisela Scheffler, Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlungen Alte Pinakothek, München, Gemäldekatalog: Altdeutsche Gemälde: Köln und Nordwestdeutschland, 1972, pp. 180-183, plate 107.

Artist: Koninck, Salomon (Dutch, 1609-1656)
Title: Judas Before the Sanhedrim Returning the Pieces of Silver
Date: unknown
Medium: Oil on canvas
Dimensions: 77.5 x 92 cm
Inscriptions: unknown
- Purchased by Max Stern atKunsthaus Lempertz on November 27, 1935 (Westdeutscher Museumsbesitz Sammlung Wesendonk – Von Bissing Werke Alter Malerei, lot 52, plate 19). Sold by the Galerie Stern to Hugo Heinemann in 1936. Heinemann’s collection, including the painting by Koninck, was auctioned at Lempertzon November 26, 1940 (Sammlung Dr. Krüger, Meran und anderer Besitz, lot 58, plate 12).
Exhibitions: unknown
- Mentioned in Werner Sumowski, Gemälde der Rembrandt-Schüler, III B. Keil – J. Ovens. Edition PVA, p.1642, no. 1081. Provenance includes: Hugo Heinemann, Düsseldorf (1936); Verst. Dr. Krüger u.a., Köln (Lempertz) 26.11.1940, Nr. 58 m. Abb; Privatbesitz, Winterthur (1956); Verst. Sotheby Parke Bernet & Co., Fine Old Master Paintings, December 13, 1978, Nr. 269 m Abb. (“A debtor’s tribunal”).

Artist: Loo, Jean Baptiste van
(French, 1684 – 1745)
Title: Moses and the Burning Bush/Moses vor dem brennenden Dornbusch
Date: unknown
Medium: oil on canvas
Dimensions: 72 x 91 cm
Inscriptions: unknown
- Sale, van Ham, Cologne, April 12, 2003, lot 1237
- Sale, Tajan, Paris, juin 25, 2003, lot 53
- Sale, Tajan, Paris, juin 21, 2004, lot 95
- Chi-Mei Museum, Tainan City, Taiwan
Exhibitions: unknown
Notes: unknown

Artist: Marées, Hans von
(German, 1837-1887)
Title: Ulanen auf dem Marsch
Date: 1859
Medium: Oil on wood
Dimensions: 18.8 x 35.3 cm
Inscriptions: signed: H. v. Marées 1859
- Dr. H. Wendland, Berlin, 1919
- Private collection, Düsseldorf
- Heinz Winters, Bonn-Bad Godesberg, 1977-1986
- Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlungen, Neue Pinakothek, 1986-present
Exhtibitions: unknown
Notes: unknown
Restituted: September 2019

Artist: Mignon, Abraham (German, 1640-1679)
Title: Fruit and Flower Still Life
Medium: Oil on canvas
Dimensions: 67 x 54 cm
Inscriptions: signed: "A. Mignon" bottom right
- Max Kann, Paris
- Sale, Galerie Sedelmeyer, Catalogue des tableaux composant la collection Ch. Sedelmeyer, 25-28 May 1907, lot. 127
- Sale, Paul Graupe (Berlin), Verschiedener Deutscher Kunstbesitz, 23- 24 March 1936, no. 141d
- Sale, American Art Association, Anderson Galleries Inc. (New York), Important XIII-XIX Century Paintings, 20 April 1938, lot 21
Exhibitions: unknown
Notes: unknown

Artist: Naiveu, Matthys
(Dutch, 1647-1726)
Title: Market Scene, Piazza Navona, 1698
Medium: Oil on canvas
Dimensions: 49 x 41
Inscriptions: signed: "M. Naiveu F 1698"
- Sale, Hugo Helbing (Frankfurt), Sammlung eines rheinischen Grossindustriellen, 11 May 1936, lot 163
- Private collection, Nordrhein-Westfalen
- Frye & Sohn, Münster, 1997
Exhibitions: unknown
Notes: unknown

Artist: Naiveu, Matthys
(Dutch, 1647-1726)
Title: Market Scene, Piazza Navona, 1698
Date: unknown
Medium: Oil on canvas
Dimensions: 49 x 41
Inscriptions: signed: "r.o. en ged. 1698"
- Sale, Hugo Helbing (Frankfurt), Sammlung eines rheinischen Grossindustriellen , 11 May 1936, lot 164
- Private collection, Nordrhein-Westfalen
- Frye & Sohn, Münster, 1997
Exhibitions: unknown
Notes: unknown

Artist: Ochtervelt, Jacob
(Dutch, 1634-1682)
Title: The Music Party (pastiche)
Date: unknown
Medium: Oil on canvas
Dimensions: 85 x 72 cm
Inscriptions: unknown
- Galerie van Diemen & Co., 1927
Exhitibitions: unknown
Notes: unknown

Artist: Palamedesz, Palamedes
(Dutch, 1633-1705)
Title: Soldier's Encampment
Date: unknown
Medium: Oil on wood
Dimensions: 47 x 96.7 cm
Inscriptions: unknown
- Gallery Allan Jacobs, London, by 1973
- Sale, Sotheby’s (London), Old Master Paintings, 8 April 2003, lot 177 (as “follower of Palamedes Palamesdesz. called Stevaerts”)
Exhibitions: unknown
Notes: unknown

Artist: Plas, P. van
(Dutch, active 1630-1650)
Title: Breakfast Still Life
Date: unknown
Medium: Oil on wood
Dimensions: 59 x 85 cm.
Inscriptions: signed: “P.V.PLAS.F.”
- Sold by the Galerie Stern to Hugo Heinemann in 1936. The collection of Heinemann, a regular client of the Galerie Stern, was auctioned at Kunsthaus Lempertz in 1940 (Sammlung Dr. Krüger / Meranund Anderer Besitz, November 26, 1940). The painting by Plas is no.81, plate 26.
Exhibitions: unknown
- Rheinisches Landesmuseum Bonn, inv./cat.nr 41, 2-3331. In a letter to Dr. Hans Schneider at the RKD dated February 2, 1936,Stern included several photographs,including “1 Foto eines Gemäldes des seltenen Pieter v.d. Plas.” This photograph now in the picture filesat the RKD: BD/0384 – ONS/Still Life: General.
- Mentioned in Fritz Goldkuhle, Ingeborg Krueger, and Hans M. Schmidt, Rheinisches Landesmuseum Bonn: Gemälde bis 1900. Rheinland Verlag GmbH, Köln, 1982, pp. 410-411.

Artist: Porcellis, Jan
(Dutch, c. 1584-1632)
Title: Ships in Distress / Schiffe in Seenot
Date: unknown
Medium: Oil on wood
Dimensions: 46 x 70 cm.
Inscriptions: signed: “J.P.C.”
Provenance: unknown
Exhibitions: unknown
Notes: unknown
Restituted: May 2016

Artist: Pynas, Jacob
(Dutch, c. 1590-c. 1648)
Title: Collection for the Golden Calf
Date: unknown
Medium: Oil on panel
Dimensions: 68.5 x 119 cm
Inscriptions: signed: "Jac Pynas F.A.o 1627"
Provenance: unknown
Exhibitions: unknown
Notes: unknown

Artist: Ravesteyn II, Nicolaes van
(Dutch, 1661-1750)
Title: Portrait of a Nobleman
Date: unknown
Medium: Oil on canvas
Dimensions: 121 x 93 cm
Inscriptions: signed: “N. van Ravesteyn fecit 1684”
- Sale, C.F. Roos & Co. (Amsterdam),
20-22 November 1906, lot 71
Exhibitions: unknown
Notes: unknown

Artist: Ruisdael, Jacob van
(Dutch, 1628-1682)
Title: Horsemen Fording a Stream in a Hilly
Date: unknown
Medium: Oil on canvas
Dimensions: 51 x 65 cm
Inscriptions: signed: twice, lower left and at the bottom
right of center
- Sale, J. Willemsen, e.a., Middelburg,
16 August 1780, lot. 11 - Lady Elizabeth Pringle, Langton-Dunse, 1877
- Charles Sedelmeyer, Paris, 1902
- J. Depret, Paris, after 1907 until 1910
- Sale, Hôtel Drouot (Paris), Tableaux anciens, 17 June 1910, lot. 53
- Dr. Richard von Schnitzler, Cologne, after 1923
- Heinz Kisters, Kreuzlingen, Switzerland, by 1973.
- Sale, Sotheby’s (London), 9 December 1992, no. 23.
Exhibitions: unknown
Notes: unknown

Artist: Rümann, Wilhelm von
(German, 1850-1906)
Title: Sitting Girl
Date: unknown
Medium: plaster
Dimensions: unknown
- Acquired by Julius Stern from the Berlin Nationalgalerie in 1923. The work remained in the collection of the Stern family until 1938.
Exhibitions: unknown
- Listed in “Ausstellungen der Woche,” Die Weltkunst, 14 November 1937: “Plastiken und Broncen von G.v. Bochmann, A. Breker, F. Coubillier, J. Hammerschmidt, J. Pallenberg, W.v. Ruemann, E. Wolff, W. Zügel.”
- Included on Selma Stern’s list of possessions from June 1938, as “Sitzendes Mädchen.”
- A photograph of this work in the pictures files at the RKD includes a stamp reading “Legaat / H.P. July 21, 2017 Bremmer 1956.”

Artist: Ruysch, Rachel
(Dutch, 1644-1750)
Title: Flower Still Life
Date: unknown
Medium: Oil on canvas
Dimensions: 39 x 32.5 cm
Inscriptions: unknown
- Sale, Paul Graupe (Berlin), Verschiedener Deutscher Kunstbesitz, 23-24 March 1936,
nr. 102 - Dr. Wilhelm Harnickel, Oberhausen, Germany 1937-
- Sale, Sotheby’s (Amsterdam), Old Master Paintings, 6 November 2001, lot 43, repro.
Exhibitions: unknown
Notes: unknown

Artist: Schadow, Wilhelm von
(German, 1788-1862)
Title: Children of the artist/ Die Kinder des Kunstlers
Date: 1830
Medium: oil on canvas
Dimensions: 138 x 110 cm
Inscriptions: unknown
Provenance: unknown
Exhibitions: unknown
Notes: unknown
Restituted: April 2023

Artist: Martinus Schouman
(Dutch, 1770-1848)
Title: Stormy Seas
Date: unknown
Medium: Oil on panel
Dimensions: 72.5 x 95 cm
Inscriptions: signed: “M. Schouman.”
- Sale, Ketterer Kunst, Hamburg, November 17, 2014, lot 1333. Bought In.
- Exhibited, Galerie Stern, Gemälde Niederländischer Meister P. Brueghel bis B.C. Koekkoek, 12 October – 30 November 1934, no. 117, plate 28.
Notes: unknown
Restituted: June 2019

Artist: Schrieck, Otto Marseus van
(Dutch, 1620-1698)
Title: Forest Ground
Date: unknown
Medium: Oil on canvas
Dimensions: 76 x 60 cm
Inscriptions: signed: "Otto Marseus"
- Sale, Paul Graupe (Berlin), Verschiedener Deutscher Kunstbesitz, 23-24 March 1936, lot 107
Exhibitions: unknown
Notes: unknown

Artist: Simons, Michiel
(Dutch, 1620-1673)
Title: Still Life with Game Birds, A Plate of Oysters, and Grapes, all Resting on a Draped Table
Date: unknown
Medium: Oil on canvas
Dimensions: 83.2 x 102.8 cm
Inscriptions: unknown
- Sale, American Art Association, Anderson Galleries Inc. (New York), Important XIII-XIX Century Paintings, 20 April 1938, lot 22
- Sale, Sotheby’s (New York), Old Master Paintings and a Collection of Frames, 18 May 2006, lot 27
Exhibitions: unknown
Notes: unknown

Artist: van Heemskerck, Maerten (Dutch, 1498-1574)
Title: Feast in the House of Simon the Pharisee
Date: unknown
Medium: Oil on wood
Dimensions: 78 x 58 cm.
Inscriptions: unknown
- Peiter A.J. Knyff, Antwerp, - 1785
- Pieter Cornelis Hasselaar, Amsterdam, - 1797
- Naumann, Berlin, - 1872
- Sale, Rudolph Lepke (Berlin), 26 April 1872, lot 136
- Edvard Weber, Hamburg, by 1885
- Sale, Rudolph Lepke (Berlin), Galerie Weber, Hamburg, 20-22 February 1912, lot 91
- von Klemperer, Dresden, by 1928 and until 1935
Exhibitions: unknown
Notes: unknown