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Student life

LAC Student Lounge designed by Thalia

The Liberal Arts College (LAC) fosters an intimate intellectual community which extends beyond graduation to many lasting friendships. 

A versatile, welcoming space for students

The Liberal Arts building in downtown Montreal is at the heart of the student experience. A block from the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, with our own library and a student lounge, the LAC is a space for conversation and for study, for weekly coffee hours and annual celebrations.

The Rita Mary Tucker Library

The Rita Mary Tucker Library was founded in 1981 by Stan and Lois Tucker in memory of Stan's first wife, Rita Mary Tucker, who had a great love of books and learning. This fine, small library and study facility provides multiple copies of required readings and has a well-chosen selection of secondary sources to facilitate research and writing.

Students can use on-site computers for paper writing and Internet research; study tables and comfortable armchairs invite students to settle in for long afternoons of reading and studying.

Alumni association

Our Liberal Arts College Alumni-ae Association (LACAA) includes all former Liberal Arts College students. It elects a National Board and participates in many ways in supporting the ongoing needs of the College and its students.

The LACAA not only plays a key role in recruiting and placement, it also raises funds for College scholarships, lectures and other needs. 

To get involved contact us to let us know you're interested. We're always looking for new ideas and participants!

Another way to help

As an alumnus, your donations are always appreciated! They not only ensure the College’s future but also help empower its students to thrive.

Photo by Ariela Freedman

© Concordia University