Sara Comadina
Major in Journalism (Co-op)
Minor in Spanish, Hispanic Cultures and Literatures

Experiential learning
Co-opInternshipSara Comadina boosted her résumé through Co-op experiences that combined creativity with journalism.
Sara Comadina always dreamed of a career where she could combine her love for writing with being creative. As a Journalism student, Sara elevated her university experience by participating in the Communication Games and three Co-op internships.
How has the journalism program been?
Journalism has been great. We learn a bit of everything, like audio, visual and written journalism. I’m taking a class now called Digital Magazine, and we’re working on a project that combines everything we’ve learned since first year.
One thing I really like about the program is that it’s geared towards your interests. For example, if you’re more geared towards filmmaking than written journalism, you can take documentary journalism classes instead. You have the option to do what you like.
When did you decide to add a minor in Spanish?
I wanted to study abroad, so I applied for a 5-week summer course in Spain offered by Concordia. It’s in Asturias, a small community in Northern Spain with lots of important architecture. I always had an interest in Spanish, so I wanted to study and travel at the same time. It’s a great opportunity to take courses in Spain and learn from the culture, so I want to make the most of it.
Are you involved with any student groups?
I’m involved with a Francophone committee called the Communication Games, made up of 30 French-speaking students. We’re going to Ottawa to compete against nine other universities in communication-related challenges. This year I’m a news anchor for the morning show, so we’ll be in the studio with Radio-Canada to complete a 15-minute TV news report.

What were your Co-op experiences like?
I did my first internship at Sid Lee, which was a creative agency in downtown Montreal. I worked on editorial publicity projects in English, including campaigns for Hyundai and BTS. We wrote scripts and came up with campaign ideas. After a few months, I was offered a part-time job.
My other two internships were at the Beat 92.5, a local radio station in Montreal. It’s a music station, but we do interviews and write articles every day to stay up to date with what’s going on in Montreal. I write their online content, including articles and social media. The job was perfect because it’s creative but also has a news side to it. I’m still working there now part-time.
Do you have any journalism goals for the future?
Maybe one day I’ll become a trilingual journalist, writing articles in Spanish if I succeed in that program. When I was younger, I used to pretend that I was a journalist for Vogue. I’ve always admired big magazines, so a goal of mine would be to get my name in one of those magazines. Elle would be a dream magazine to write for, which is what my internship mentor did.
I had a mentor through Co-op at Sid Lee who worked for Elle. She was my first mentor and I’ve never met someone like her. She does exactly what I wanted to do at that time – writing for fashion magazines, doing creative projects at the agency, and working on her own freelance photography. We bonded well, and still keep in touch to this day.
What’s one of the most important things you’ve learned throughout your time at Concordia?
Going into the Co-op program, I was scared that I wouldn’t know what I was doing. I thought people would think that I’m just some girl in front of the camera saying whatever I’m told. But I know I can do a lot more than that. Through my Co-op internships, the Communication Games and my Journalism classes, I learned to work hard and trust myself. Sometimes I'll see some old friends and they’ll remind me that I’m doing the job I always wanted. I kind of take a step back, because it’s hard to see something as you’re doing it.
I’m grateful for the opportunities to learn and travel through Co-op and the Communication Games. I’ve travelled across different cities in Quebec, and I’ve been to so many events and interviews in Montreal. Co-op is all about learning to work and finding out what you like in the job market, so I recommend it 100%.
Want to gain valuable work experience like Sara? Check out Concordia’s Co-op program!