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Student profile

Léonard Barrette

Pursuing a Bachelor of Commerce
Major in International Business
Minor in Modern Chinese Language and Culture
Double Degree with NEOMA Business School

For Léonard Barrette, double majoring at the NEOMA Business School in France while completing his Commerce degree at Concordia was a no-brainer.

As a student in International Business, Léonard knew it was a great opportunity to learn about different cultures and gain first-hand experience in the global economy.

How has NEOMA been so far?

NEOMA has a fantastic atmosphere. Everyone in my program is an exchange student. People are very open and want to have fun. You get invited to a lot of different things, whether that’s Christmas markets, dinner with friends or parties organized by the school. I made friends very quickly because we’re all in the mindset to connect and share our cultures. All international students at NEOMA are required to take French classes, but since I’m a native French speaker I was able to take Japanese language courses. It’s very motivating to learn a language that’s so different from what I’m used to.

What’s it like living in France?

As a Francophone, there’s no language barrier. I arrived a few weeks early to give myself some time to adapt to the new environment before jumping right into class. There are phases where I miss my family, but after a few days the feeling goes away and I’m happy to be here. Living in France is a great experience, and it’s normal to feel the distance from your home.

What have you learned from living abroad?

Living abroad is a priceless experience. I’ve learned so much about cross-cultural communication and how to work in diverse groups of people. Communication styles differ from one country to another, which I find very interesting. I’m eventually going to be in a diverse work environment since I’m studying International Business, so it’s great to learn how to navigate different cultures.

Are you part of any special projects?

At NEOMA we have a credited course called International and Intercultural Negotiation Rounds, which only lasts a few days. We take lessons to learn about theory, but the main project is an overnight event where we negotiate environmental issues as if we’re part of the United Nations. All the international students are involved in the course, and I’m very much looking forward to it.

What advice do you have for someone considering the double degree?

Doing an exchange in France at NEOMA Business School has had an incredible impact on my life. It’s one of the first times in my life where I feel like I’ve changed significantly. I’ve developed myself, the things I do and my independence. I’m grateful to Concordia for giving students the chance to go abroad and experience this change.

Start your own international journey and learn how to apply to the double major in International Business at Concordia and NEOMA Business School.

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