Design for all habits, habitants and habitats
On this page you will find multimedia resources compiled by faculty members on the topic of design for all habits, habitants, and habitats.
Urban beasts: How wild animals have moved into cities
Delve into the captivating world of urban wildlife where wild animals thrive in city landscapes, from Rome's roaming boars to LA's mountain lions. This eye-opening article reveals the growing trend of wildlife flourishing in urban environments, sparking intriguing discussions about the intersection of nature and human habitation.
Barkham, P. (2017, May 20). Urban beasts: How wild animals have moved into cities. The Guardian.
The expanded environment
Understand, appreciate, and envision a more productive relationship between architectural and biological systems through the resources and posts on The Expanded Environment website.
12 amazing animal bridges around the world
Discover the wonder of wildlife crossings, vital for habitat conservation and preventing vehicle-animal collisions, with breathtaking bridges spanning highways and landscapes worldwide. From Europe's historic crossings to Canada's iconic Banff National Park, these structures not only protect diverse species but also showcase the harmony between nature and infrastructure.
twistedsifter. (2012, July 23). 12 amazing animal bridges around the world. Twisted Sifter.
How To make a DIY natural swimming pool
David Pagan Butler introduces natural swimming pools – no chemicals, just plants and a simple 12-volt powered filter to clean the water.
Permaculture Magazine. (2010, December 3). How to make a DIY natural swimming pool [Video]. YouTube.
Sharing with animals
This presentation outlines a strategy for circumventing opposites. What does this mean exactly? It is a search for ways to disrupt the continuation of how we currently construct urban space as a disconnect within habits, habitats and inhabitants. Wild Cities asks what would designing beyond the human centric view change in radical and positive ways our individual and collective patterns of being and behaving? Would we move away from human isolation and understand the deep connections with and interdependence on flora and fauna because truly sustainable cities honour biodiversity, biophilia and ecological resilience.
langshaw, pk. (2017, November 21). Sharing with animals [Video]. YouTube.
Lerwill, B. (2022). Wild cities. Puffin.