Tools for teaching with technology
Concordia University supports many technologies for teaching and learning. Though most of the digital portion of your course will be delivered through Moodle, other Concordia-supported tools can also play an integral role.

Policies related to teaching tools
Learning platforms and emerging tools
- Moodle: Concordia's learning management system
- Brickfield: An accessibility toolkit for Moodle
Generative artificial intelligence (GenAI)
- Guidelines for teaching with GenAI, including ChatGPT
Assessment tools
- COLE: Concordia's online exam platform
- Proctorio: Auto and live proctoring
- Turnitin Similarity: Text-matching software
Content creation tools
- Lightboard: Record video lectures
- Open educational resources: use, adapt, or create OER textbooks
- Microsoft Office 365: Document, productivity and collaboration software
- Tempo: Teaching Fine Arts online
- Udemy: On-demand learning platform and library
- YuJa: Lecture capture
- Zoom: Web conferencing